That’s where I come in! Hello tourist! So glad I could help!<\/p>\n You may recall my article last year: Pride Tips for Out of Towners<\/a>. I’m bitter<\/span> happy to report that not much has changed. The bar you are drinking in will<\/strong> have a draconian liquor inspector grumpily wander through to see if they can make some money in fines. And some circuit party will try to seduce you with their glossy posters of near-naked men, but there will be a chance that you choose incorrectly and spend $95 to find you’re not at\u00a0 the “A-List” bash and wind up with a crowd that looks more at home at a Phish concert. The Parade tips still hold true (early, sunblock, elbows), as do the street crowd crush. Don’t forget that “bagging and bedding a Torontonian” is still a bit like coaxing a snipe out of the bushes. We seem to have tightened our shy little cocoons around ourselves during this long, cool spring! All I reported last year are still valid tips. Take heed!<\/p>\n At this time I need to reiterate my number one peeve about Pride: You should NOT, repeat NOT eat at any restaurant on Church Street during Pride<\/strong>. Eat from a hot dog cart (blarg!), bring your own food, starve, devour your travel companion or gnaw on your own foot. Do not eat at any Church Street restaurant.<\/p>\n Wait… I think I need to nail that home:<\/p>\n<\/a>So you’ve decided to visit Toronto and enjoy it’s #2 outdoor attraction (second only to The Beaches Jazz Festival, according to their<\/em> site).\u00a0 Regardless of who tells you their numbers are numero uno, Toronto Pride reels in a crapload of cash for the city (The Gay Community has it’s own subsection on Toronto’s tourism website<\/a> – take THAT Caribana!). It’s a good idea to research your options before opening your wallet and organize your fun before hitting the street.<\/p>\n