Because they did a study.<\/em> And they found their own Dr Spaceman to step forward and tearfully explain how using cloth bags will eventually kill off mankind faster than Skynet. Their study, lead by a respected Dr. Richard Summerbell, at Sporometrics (that sounds like an informercial parent company right there – note: they’re located in a back alley off of Dufferin Street<\/a>, Toronto.), shows that reusing cloth bags will give you ear infections.<\/a> Some bags were found to have fecal matter in them! <\/p>\n “I’m sick of carrying this shit!!”<\/p>\n It saddens me that this “American-style” info spin is coming from a Canadian organization. To quote BoingBoing: “the regulator who traded his credibility for a consulting fee should be ashamed of himself”<\/p>\n<\/a>Good lord! There’s chloroform in your reusable grocery bag! So says the Canadian Plastics Industry Association. And other nasty bacteria! Because your food is dirty! It’s true! <\/p>\n