Tag Archives: ipad

Friday Grab Bag

Distractions, General, Tech

Lisa’s Facebook page has an app that is updating her wall with goofy remixed pictures of her profile pic. It’s creeping me out. Today’s pic is of her being eaten by a tiger. No shit.

I got new glasses. Actually SharkBoy got some too but his aren’t as he expected. He’s going to have to get progressive lenses since he’s skeeved by taking them off just to read. Mine make me look like a fat Elvis Costello. I think.

The iPad is making splashes through the web, having been dropped off early at some nerdy tech writers. Gizmodo has a great cross reference graph for your perusal.  Yes. It’s making me want one. And I don’t really need it at all, but something in me…wants… one… arg.

Fortress of Solitude posts a funny pic. I find a companion video.

This weekend my family converges on Toronto again from Calgary, Ottawa, Brockvegas and the grand United Kingdom. I’m looking forward to it!