You’ve seen this shirt lots of times. It’s my favorite home made shirt to date.
I don’t want to talk shirts – I want to talk cats.
Why in fucks name do cats immediately sit in boxes within seconds of their opening? I don’t understand. I had just stood up from placing this shirt and Ziiixxxip! There’s Billy Dee Williams looking up at me as if to say “Mine, hairless house ape. Tough shit.”
Oh and if you’ve ever wondered about giving a cat an enema, I’m your man. Poor Billy Dee was so backed up you could visibly see the lump under his tail. My Sunday morning was all clipped claws, a warm bathtub full of water, and an anal bulb I’m never using again.
Oh and to add to my Finding Things on My Run count:
– A beer fridge (Bet StevieB makes me go back and get it)
– a book case
– a toaster oven
– a stairmaster step
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