What’s In the Suitcase? Day Fourty


We got our dry cleaning back this weekend and it came to about $50. Spoiler alert: there was quite a bit – a couple suits and these shirts which, for $0.20 extra, some lovely person pressed and folded for us. And then wrapped it in a bag like it was some sort of Happy Meal to go for adults.

You can tell I rarely ever use dry cleaning services.

I think the last time I seriously did was when I was wearing Le Chateau bolero coats from the 80s. No. No pictures survived, my friends.

Tonight I’m over at Da’s after work to help him sell his beige and green wool carpet on Craigslist. And free dinner. Yay!

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Celebs and Media


I fucking mean it! I will come to your house and fuck up your day so bad if you people continue to use that word for any reason. EVEN IF WHAT YOU ARE DESCRIBING IS REPRESENTATIONAL OF A DEITY!

I think you mean to say “supreme” or “ultimate” or “pretty keen!” not iconic.

It’s driving me fucking nuts. STOP right NOW!

What’s In The Suitcase? Day Thirty Seven


Last of the short-hicans! This is the last short shot you’ll see for this feature. This time next week we’ll be wandering NYC a day in advance of our departure.

In fact, I need to call Porter to see exactly how much I can bring without incurring extra charges. I suspect I started this venture a week too early. Expect next week to be individual shots of underwear. Meh. I can pad this out for another seven days. Just watch.

Last night my husband broke the no-spending rule and got me District 9 on Blue Ray. Bless. Oddly enough the second time around I was on the edge of my seat at the end, moreso than at the theatre. I’m looking forward to his next movie, whatever that is. I loved the non-cammo design of the weapons and the particular nod to Half Life games with the null-gravity guns.

SharkBoy has booked the second hotel and the car to the pier. I’m all googleygoo!

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What’s In The Suitcase? Day Thirty Six


More Old Navy cheapo finds. Perfect for those relaxed dining outfit nights.

My dear friends we have only one week left. What shall you do in my absence?

I was going to turn on RoboBlogger but the last time I did that you people hated his “In Your Face” attitude and rock and roll attitude. I may leave Shelly in charge so she’ll just rant about movies. That might not be too bad. Whatever I choose, though, dear reader, rest assured I will not leave you alone while I sip fruity drinks and take clandestine pictures of fat people.

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In. Through. And Beyond!

General, Robots

The other day I had to engage in a conversation with a woman on a professional level. No biggie.

Well, actually… biggie. She wasn’t fat but she wasn’t rail thin, either. Her size lent to the fact that her low cut, scoop neck top created the illusion of so much cleavage that I, for some reason, could not stop looking down there. I don’t consider myself misogynistic and as a gay man, I respect women and their fashion sense. But I could not stop looking at her fuckin rack, man!

Seriously, for whatever reason, I found it difficult to keep my eyes above the chin.

The lighting where we were created a Q-tip like shadow of cleavage, meaning: there was a bulbous shadow at the top of the straight line shadow that lead up from the scoop top. Peripherally I could see the oval darkness dead center of her pale chest (which I assume is why it was so distracting).

After struggling with not looking I suddenly got the urge to drop my pen in her cleavage. No lie. I wanted to toss my pen in there and listen for rattling or echos or a guttural burp from a Sarlacc.

For some reason this played in my head:

What’s In The Suitcase? Day Thirty Five


I wish I could put “feel” up on the web. This shirt is one of the softest cotton shirts I own.

To be honest I didn’t break in or buy this shirt. It was given to me by an ex-boyfriend of my father’s best friend who died a couple years back. I do miss his energy. I think of him every time I wear one of his shirts (I got about 10 of them!) and I like to think some of his gregarious energy washes off onto me. If ever I get scared of the future or my career or any stupid things like that, I think of him and how he survived a botched jewel theft, heart surgery and multiple career shifts and think that if he could do it so effortlessly, I can too. He really was an inspiration and a model of success due to hard work and determination.

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