Cloning? Clowning?

Personal Bits

Leave it to me to use an amazing YouTube video that’s making the ’rounds and make it all about me.

Well. Not me, per se. Call it “Uncle Me”. My brother announced recently that the Dead Robot Universe will have two more meteors whipping around in it. I said SharkBoy and I are available for babysitting after the toilet training is complete.

Now watch this uber-geeky announcement:


Celebs and Media

Podcast update, people! Yes I’m trapped in 2001 and I do still download audio podcasts.

I’m letting you know that there is one out there from Chris Hardwick of the show “Web Soup” showy thingy. His last podcast he interviews live Stan Lee and it’s wildly charming and full of geeky goodness. Go listen to it (either by iTunes or stream the sucker), it’s worth the 54min. I can only hope I’m that cool at 77.

And he sort of admits that he himself is the prototype for J Jonah Jameson, which geeks me good. Plus he agrees with re purposing his Marvel art for creating more art.



Personal Bits

I’m walking to work, passing Allen Gardens. My internal voice resonates strong:

Look at those trees! They’re all full with leaves now! Funny how I’m just noticing this now. That’s beautiful. Oh, the biggest tree in the park is only just budding now while the younger ones are full-on leafy! I bet they’re all like “Hey grandpa! Wake up after a long awful winter! Wake up!” and he’s all like “In good time you young saplings…”

I’m suddenly hit across the face by a small twig, blown off a tree.

Yeah. That last bit was a bit gay.


I climb into bed while SharkBoy reads his new book. I bury my face into my pillow and lay on my stomach and let my mind wander while waiting for sleep.

I bet we look like an old couple, he and I, like this, in bed. I bet we look like some 1950s sitcom but with the beds pushed together. I really hope our relationship doesn’t go stale. I wonder if I do enough to keep things happy, things fresh?

Lazily, SharkBoy’s hand reaches across to my exposed back and he starts to scratch absent-mindedly. It’s heaven at the end of the day.

What ever worries I was just entertaining have run from me like dollar store mascara off a drag queen in a car wash.


Golden Locks and The Three Decades

Queer stuff

Brock's Finest Moment

This morning I passed a porn star on the street. Not just any porn star, mind you. No. I passed a porn star I came dangerously close to stalking when I was in my early 20s.

Back then, I gravitated towards a specific porn director that made a splash on the world of porn by carefully choosing and grooming his models meticulously (man-scaping and tanning were a must. Not one hint of body hair – hey I was in my 20s and didn’t know the whole bear scene, ok?) to his design and desire. His name was Kristian Bjorn and his impact on gay pornography has not been surpassed.

Not that I follow gay pornography much these days. That’s another post entirely (that would probably freak out my straight readership, but hey).

I’m getting side tracked. Back then I had a thing for big, beefy blond dudes. One model Bjorn would use was a massive chap by the name of “Paul” who had a striking resemblance to Brock Samson of The Venture Brothers cartoon (I think that’s why it grabbed my attention in the first place). He had shoulder length blond locks that even then, at that time, was a bit ridiculous. But he had a look of stupid hockey jock so the hair was forgivable. In my head we enjoyed long walks on the beach, working out together and fine wine during a azure sunset while dining on a tiki encrusted patio located somewhere tropical. Then I would finish up and put the magazine away.

Jump with me in time to 1997 when I got a job at The Black Eagle, working as a bar back, delivering beer to the various stations in the bar. My first weekend there I came into work to discover that the very same pornstar “Paul” had been hired as bartender. Impossible! I thought he was some Brazilian or some angry lout from Los Angeles, but then again, that’s what I had constructed in my head as one does, when using someone for intimate, personal pleasures. At first I was shy and would not talk to him much but after a while we passed a few comments. However, we worked together for almost a year and I never once asked about those photos or his past career as a porn star or his background at all. I guess I didn’t want to spoil the fantasy.

Or I never asked because he was as dumb as a cedar plank. Typical “Paul” conversation (not an actual one as that I can’t recall the horrid details from 13 years ago, but you get the gist):

Me: Oh hey! You’re playing The Pet Shop Boys! I like how they write their lyrics to be ambiguous commentary across straight and gay relationship boundaries.
Paul: Hu?
Me: I like how they don’t actually come out in their songs. But their lyrics can mean they’re gay or straight.
Paul: Gru?
Me: Pet Shop Boys funny!
Paul: … (Stares. Goes back to trying to pick up some sugar daddy at his bar)

Not a mental giant. Our time together as co-workers was spent in a curious state of stand-offish-ness. I didn’t want to learn anything about him lest I spoil years of built up fantasy and he wasn’t interested in me at all since I didn’t have a condo in Palm Springs that he could visit and sunbathe during the long Canadian winters. He was fired from the bar for some suspicious reason – Stealing? Stupidity? I don’t recall. One day he was working, the next he was across the street at the old queen’s bar chatting up the older guys with the expensive shirts.

This morning he passed me on the street as I wandered into work. His face was scraggly. His hair was buzzed down, the long golden locks forever gone into history. The body he once used for money was now soft. Pudgy. The glory and strength was bled from him, gone from him, and I wondered what he was doing these days. I imagined he was like a soccer coach set out to teach kids his skill, but winding up just boring them with stories of glory days.

Losing Face(book) Again

Distractions, The Bad

I tried before but now I’m pretty much made up my mind. Especially after reading this article. I’ve decided that I get enough ads directed at me through unpaid subscriptions to online/real world endeavours. Hell just visiting any Google enhanced free web page and I get Toronto/Gay/Gamer/robot centric ads yelling at me for attention. You’ll notice I’ve removed the Sociable widget/toolbar at the bottom.

Look, I love internet trends and memes. They make me happy and make me feel like I’m on the bleeding edge of cool. I tried FB and with limited success I witnessed a page view spike over here on when I vented my posts over to my Wall. I’ve come in contact with some missing friends and made a couple new ones too. Win/win! But there comes a time when juggling three digital online presences gets a bit much (four if you count Flickr, but who likes a silent mime in the social world, eh?). Between Twitter, FB and this site I manage to cross pollinate each with a singe touch of a button, but in the end, most of my readers get hit with three similar announcements about one upload. Because I don’t want to spam my readers and friends and I prefer to write and create rather than regurgitate I’ve chosen to drop the least creative outlet – Facebook. Twitter and this Blog win out, I’m afraid. And Twitter ain’t all that attractive too – I think it promotes poor grammar/spelling but I can’t deny it’s compelling immediacy.

In the end it comes down to redundancy, really. I’m tired of trying to keep up with all the social and just want to focus on the me for now. I hope you stay and read on (You can RSS feed the home page easy in Firefox/Google Reader) and ultimately keep on being digital.

Kids On TV Will March


Kids On TV Will March, originally uploaded by deadrobot.

Hey at 3pm today my vigorous video game playing was interrupted by loud yelling, whistle blowing and social commentary outside my window.

As I watched the crowd surge past, there was the lead singer from Kids on TV, all queerpunk Yumma!

Hope your May Day was good!

Marry Me Jon Stewart

Tech, The Bad

You’ve probably heard by now that my favorite tech site Gizmodo got their hands on the next generation iPhone months before it was to be announced. Much hullabaloo on their methods of acquiring the device, much hallyballoo over giving it back. It’s returned without comment (in a bag). Love them or hate them, Gizmodo’s mandate is to report (albeit in a goofy, juvenile way) upcoming new gadgets and the next big thing and that’s exactly what they did, so I can stretch my moral tidiness over how the phone got into Giz’s hands. The “fact” that the phone was acquired legitimately through someone who “found” it doesn’t bother me because I don’t know the whole facts, only Giz’s side of the story – and Apple ain’t talking. Even when they posted the name of the engineer who lost the phone (if that fact is true) for all to see I didn’t think that amoral – that was an inevitability, someone else would have found out and would have broadcasted it. No, Giz lost me when they dissected the phone and posted pictures of it to the web. That smacks of corporate espionage and was utterly unnecessary. To do it to a prototype is just tossing sand in Apple’s eyes. Then for a week they wrote article after article justifying their actions.

Not cool.

Apple is now firing shots across the bow of Gizmodo in the form of police action (they’ve called in a brand of cops called REACT that deal specifically with computer crimes), which involves kicking in doors of journalists (albeit goofy, juvenile journalists) and possibly illegally confiscating their computers.

Not cool. This whole thing is becoming a quagmire. And not in a giggity way.

Once again, Jon Stewart wades into the whole mess and sums up my feelings so succinctly I want to follow him around so I can be his human footstool. Video here not surprisingly on GawkerTV (Giz’s parent company). As usual Jon holds up a mirror to Apple and reveals its sometimes super ugly craggily face.

PS: I love the “hand crystal” reference to the Apple Store. Exactly how I felt during my last interview (which by the way, probably won’t go anywhere since, after stating in my online form application, 2 written applications and verbally to the People Person that I can’t get time off from my current job to accommodate them, they still managed to called me in for an interview in the morning, which I declined, which I was told 48 hours ago that they’d call me in 24 hours to reschedule).
