Category Archives: You Stupid Dick


political, The Bad, Toronto, You Stupid Dick

Yesterday I got mildly bewildered after reading about how (yet again) Rob Ford managed to be completely clueless about the social/political leanings of a room full of people he was going to debate in. I guess his crack team of minders forgot to tell him he was going into a room full of leftie-liberals.

I was tired of the whole political posturing at the beginning of this mayoral race and after reading that I was exhausted. None of these candidates spark anything but contempt from me. Some more than others, and I’m afraid that’s how I’m going to vote.

What is getting me down more is the rabble that pounce on any mayoral news story that has it’s comments turned on, ready to vilify anyone who has not forgotten that they had a joint on them when stopped by the cops in Florida.

In my ire, I twittered this:

So very tired of this #voteTO. Especially the “mad as hell” idiots who will blindly lead this city into another Lastman embarassment

Within seconds I was replied to by someone claiming to be a “lawyer” from Vaughn saying sarcastically “yeah how dare the suburban crowd be upset with how Toronto is run…” etc.  He fired off a couple blathering tweets about “downtown sensibilities” and I thought best if I block him, so I can’t quote him directly. His past tweets concerned themselves with how Michele Obama is ruining the US – you get the drift – raving neo-con teabagger.  My next tweet:

Irony, thy name is hashtag

Yeah I know I was asking for it in a public forum, the irony isn’t lost on me, but the speed and venom that this person appeared out of the woodwork convinces me that this election won’t be won by intelligence or by rational decision making. The pitchforks are out, the people are mad as hell and they’re at the gates.

Culture Jamming Ass Hats

Toronto, You Stupid Dick

The cat is repeatedly jumping from the kitchen table. It’s like that scene in the Matrix where the black cat repeatedly walks past, but no Keanu saying “Whoa. That’s weird.”

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

I wake as SharkBoy jumps from the bed and peeks out the blinds. There are people on the roof next to our building. SharkBoy can see people doing something to the billboard that fronts onto the street, on the roof next to ours.

At 3am, your mind races. We’ve repeatedly caught, chased and hid from various people who have gained easy access to this roof beside us. One night, kids use the roof to try to break into the apartment while SharkBoy was home. Another time, kids tried to use it for a video shoot around 2am. Many times we’ve yelled at kids who go there to drink. The year I moved into the building, someone was pistol-whipped in the back and kidnapped so you can understand that if there is anyone up on the roof, we cautiously decide whether or not to confront, call cops or ignore. If the city didn’t demand that two fire escapes be fully accessible at all times, I would have electrified and chained these access points long ago. Unfortunately, I can’t kill trespassers. The bible and the city say no.


They’re done. The four of them leave the roof. They’re carrying hockey sticks, poles and backpacks and my mind says, “Best not to confront them.” as they leave. They meet round the front of the apartment and hug and take pictures of their work. I begin to suspect their some sort of guerrilla artists group, fucking up some billboards for the mass G20 court date that is happening today.

This morning, Torontoist reports that this was a city wide “raid” on public advertising. Oh you OCAD kiddies! You hipster culture jammers! You fucking Queen Street Rejects. Hey here’s a thought, if you come around our house again, I’ll beat you senseless with a bat and then call the cops. And I’ll take pictures and I’ll call it art: “Bloody Art Student”

Continuing Service

You Stupid Dick

The little things you have to do when someone dies…

I’m on the phone with Bell, canceling my father’s phone and internet account. I haven’t dealt with Bell since leaving them 8 years ago for appalling service when I had my Blueberry iMac (“I’m sorry Mr Dead Rewbit, but the person who handles Macs is on a break right now.”) and so far, past the smarmy “look how techy we are with voice activated prompts!” voice prompt system, into real conversation with a real person, it’s been a cake walk. When I tell Customer Service rep Sharon why I’m closing the account she seems genuinely sorry.

We’re finalizing the details.

“The Internet will be cut off to your father’s apartment on the 20th. Before I do this, is there someone else who would like the account?”

“Not sure what you mean,” I say, squinting at the phone.

“Is there a family member or friend who would like to take over the billing of this account. Is there anyone you can think of who would like internet service?”

“You mean ‘Keep the account alive’?” I intentionally say this, I want her to wince behind her headset. Is she trying to retain a dead customer? “I… don’t think so.”

“Alright then Mr Dead Robot.” She motors on through the rest of the call. It was the only point in the call where she sounded like she was reading from a script.

I was Da’s go-to guy for all things internet/computery. In the grim moment of relinquishing my father’s email accounts, his unused access to the virtual world, Bell wants me to keep paying.

I’ll have to say Fuck You, Bell.

Teletoon Isn’t Kinetic Enough

Celebs and Media, You Stupid Dick

One of the last things I do at the end of the day is watch the more “adult” cartoons on Teletoon. Shows like Futurama, American Dad, Robot Chicken, etc. For my American readers, it’s a Canadian version of Adult Swim but a lot more polite.

Last night, Teletoon sunk to a new low of television programming. All during their evening line up, they kept flashing sidebar ads and squeeze-in ads (where the screen shrinks 1/3rd it’s size to reveal a static ad) for the new Kick Ass DVD and Will Ferrel’s new movie, The Other Guys.  I’ve become use to this kind of guerrilla marketing and let’s face it, they’re just cartoons. It makes the channel look like some cheap free periodical you find at the bottom of a muddy subway car, but it’s the nature of advertising. Faster, stronger, bolder messages to cut through the noise.

Teletoon upped the ante last night and started to insert ads mid-sentence of a character’s line. We’re talking full cut-away, 5-10 second blip ad made to look like a newsflash. I don’t have video but you can imagine it looked something like this:

American Dad’s Steve: But I don’t like-


American Dad’s Steve: –Kelly Clarkson’s music!

When I saw this I actually thought it was a control booth error, until they did it once for every show that night. Somewhere, during a mild conversation moment in whatever episode, they’d cut away to this blip ad and shoot right back like nothing happened.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face— forever.

This kind of advertising is disturbing. Let alone rendering the viewer gun-shy, not knowing when they’re going to be assaulted with an ad.

I say fuck you, Teletoon. Fuck you in


your ugly face.

Dear Craigslist Trolls

You Stupid Dick

When I say the item I am selling is “$XXX FIRM” please don’t email me to ask if I’ll sell it for $50 less.

When you ask me to call you, and I do, please try to remember what the hell you’re buying. Asking questions that were answered if you had actually read the post (even with the aid of images) says to me that you’re either a reseller who works a bit too hard or you’re going to kill me when we meet up for the exchange.

Hemming and hawing and generally wasting my time either over the phone or via emails is a waste of everyone’s time.

No. I don’t want to trade what I’m selling for a two stroke “pocket bike” that “has barely ever been run!”

No. I certainly don’t want to trade what I’m selling for a Blackberry Pearl, new in box. Seriously, I’m not a 16yr old girl.

You want my PayPal account? Even when the SCAMS page says I shouldn’t? Oh and you want me to ship to the US? ~TERMINATING.

I use to think that Kijiji and Ebay had lost their souls. I know who sucked it from them.

A Fine Weekend How-do-you-do

Toronto, You Stupid Dick

Ignore this post. Well read it anyway and get a sense that I was pretty lulled by the media that yes bad things happened, but they happened to the right people. After reading about how Blair lied about the 5 metre zone outside the fence (and apparently all over Toronto in some cops’ minds), I think both anarchists and police are douchebags.

You might have heard that there was a big summit in town with everyone getting angry and pissed off for some reason or another. If you were in Toronto this weekend you were either a cop trying to maintain the peace with extra super-cop powers added on, or you were an anarchist using Black Bloc tactics to get your message across, whatever that stupid message may be (well done boys and girls!) or you were like the majority of us, curious, on-looking, wondering how much our liberties were being eroded, worried the protesters are right but at the same time, thankful there are draconian dragoons whisking nere-do-wells behind the black wall of Kevlar amour, quickly subduing the rabble and carting them away.

Because this is the internet, and because I NEED TO EXPRESS MY OPINION, here’s my thoughts on the weekend:

I think the cops did an excellent job, right up to Sunday night. They might have been rough on some people, and they might have clubbed innocent journalists, but considering their job was to keep calm, follow orders and intimidate the wrong-doers, I think they did that exceptional job, judging by all I’ve read/seen on TV. I do say “up to Sunday night” where things turned bizarre. I’m referring to the corralling of a couple hundred people at the corner of Queen and Spadina, holding them tight for hours in the pouring rain and then releasing most of them without explanation. Police later said they suspected anarchists being amongst the crowd. From many sources who were inside the corral, including a Globe and Mail journalist, it seems 90% of the crowd were people just observing, innocent only for watching a small group of protesters doing their thing.

Reading various reports from journalists and regular people alike (and attempting to remove the hyperbole) I still get the sense that the police (or the people who instructed the riot cops) over-reacted. Extra, super new rights-stripping law in place or not, I got the sense that someone jumped the gun or fell asleep at the wheel in this particular police action. The intimidation got out of hand, which led to the cops waiting it out and releasing the crowd (after some purely Kafkaesque dialogue/actions).

After all is said and done, the best quote from the whole shebang comes from Christopher Bird and Christopher Drost, reporters for who were on the ground during the Saturday Queen Street cop car buringin (emphasis mine):

In the exterior lobby of the Queen and John Starbucks, a group of protesters formed a human shield covering one of their own, who was apparently getting bandaged up after being struck in the head by cops (according to the group). The protesters got loud when an Italian reporter tried to take shots of the man, demanding their privacy. “You don’t have a legal right to privacy,” I pointed out, and the protesters rightly responded that “this isn’t about legal rights, it’s about being a human being.” And you know, that’s totally fair. What I should have said: “If you complain about being made the centre of attention when you’ve come out expressly to attract attention, you’re an idiot.”

In my opinion, the cops were utterly transparent in their handling of all things public. They may have tried some fearful intimidation on innocent people but they didn’t try to hide it – you got caught in their web, you paid the price. Inversely the anarchists hid behind masks and terrorist-like actions and cry about their freedoms. Irony all around, my friends.

Open Sores 2010

Toronto, You Stupid Dick

Once a year someone in Toronto convinces various heritage buildings (and other interesting sites) to open their doors to the public (See? See the title? Yeah). Last year, SharkBoy and I nearly died of heat exhaustion while waiting 4 hours for a glimpse inside the Don Jail. This year, we decided to play it cool. If there was a wait more than 5 min, we moved on. Which worked well, especially when we saw that the CityTV building (Who wants to see a design-by-committee-boondoggle building?!?) had an hour long line and we decided to hoof it to the movies instead. Thankfully we chose correctly.

We did get to see the rooftop garden at City Hall and that was beautiful. I was mauled by bush people. Seriously – Bush People. We went up into the 14 floor deck of the Canada Life building and got some great shots. We also saw the inside of the Trinity Church, where the band The Cowboy Junkies recorded The Trinity Sessions. I do have to say that this year was a bit of a snoozefest. When we went into the MaRS building on College Street, we were treated like marketing/science lab rats. If we weren’t asked to fill out questionnaires on computers in the lobby, we were asked to leave stickers on questionnaire plaques all around the building, that had leading questions like “If we could read your genes to discover if you had a defect, and treat it, would you want your genes read?” Uh… DUH! One office we had access to on the 4th floor was the centre for observing prosperity world wide (or some such high concept). Big brain think tank stuff. We were lead around the beautiful Victorian Hospital – converted to office space – by the office manager herself who boasted to us “You know Roger XXX? From the University of Toronto?” Blank stares from us “He’s a big name in academia…” which resulted in us nodding politely. When the office manager asked if we wanted to leave our emails for updates on their upcoming projects, I stifled the comment “Maybe you can tell me exactly how Roger can afford all this?” This summed up my Open Doors vibe this year. Not much interesting.

Teach Your Children Well

You Stupid Dick

We went and saw How To Train Your Dragon on the weekend and was surprised at how good it was (considering it was from Dreamworks). It’s your basic outsider kid makes good against impossible odds, but with dragons. And for some reason kids have American accents which morph into Scottish ones when they grow up. I digress. In one part of the movie, the big burly Viking King, didactically named Stoick, was speaking to his best friend and Dragon Slayer trainer, about his wispy son not being “Viking” enough:

Stoick: If he fights, he’ll get killed! I can’t save him!
Gobber: No you can’t protect him but you can prepare him.

Various Father/Son issues were brought up and resolved within the 90+ minutes and we all left the theatre with a smile on our faces. Seriously, it was a good movie.

After the movie I had to make my way to the loo (Yay movie sized pop!) where I found a woman blocking the door to the men’s room. Standing in the doorway, her foot was propping open the door while she was looking/not looking into the can, loudly demanding status updates on her son’s “business” (from where she was at the door, everyone in the hall could see in and by the reflection of the mirrors, were getting an eyeful of urinal action). By the time I got behind her she was instructing him how to wash his hands. I either had to confront her, or pee on her.

“Excuse me,” I say, pushing the door open and pushing past her.

“Of course,” she says, keeping the door open. I turn and scowl.

She sees the scowl and shuts the door.

Come on lady, did you not learn ANYTHING from the movie you just saw? If you’re that worried about your son being in a washroom by himself take him into the ladies. Or you could teach him well enough not to talk to strangers, and maybe some proper public washroom etiquette/safety tips and TRUST him enough to do the right thing on his own. That way I don’t have to show the entire lobby my pee stance.

Rogers iPads It’s Pockets

Tech, You Stupid Dick

I’m shocked and I’m not shocked, really.

Rogers is allowing free tethering from your iPhone (of course you better have a good data plan in place) but yet was going to charge you an extra $20/month to tie your iPad 3G to your existing data plan. This bit of info was removed sometime this morning. The rest of the rates stand. Choose one and quit your whining.

Uh. It’s the same data…? And in many cases the data from an iPad/iPhone is more condensed for faster loading over wireless networks?

Dear Rogers. Bite me. Seriously. I’ll get an iPad but I’ll not be getting the 3G out of principal. And if I do, it will be with Wind or some other provider. Your pricing plans are not very well thought out.

That is all.