Category Archives: Toronto

This wacky city I live in.

Friday Pop


In my ears, Pet Shop Boys are covering “Girls and Boys” made popular by Blur. Catchy gender roles fucking! Anyway, I’m walking up the back end stairs at the Lawrence subway stop and I’m approaching the last set of stairs that lead up into the beayootiful spring morning sun. A man with a leather bag is descending to my left but I barely notice him, because Neil Tennant is telling me there are boys who do boys who do girls who do boys etc.

I lift my foot to start going up the stairs–


Descending man and I stop suddenly. The sound is like a retarded gunshot. We’re sprayed with a milky substance up to our knees. Our eyes are wide and we’re both in a “holyfuckwhatwasthatterrorists?!?” stance – fight or flight, basically. After the shock we both look around to asses what just happened. A bottle of some sort had fallen from his bag and had exploded in a shower of glass and milk (-like substance?).

“Holy crap that scared me!” I say.

“Was that me?”

“That bottle of milk came from your bag!”

“I don’t have a bottle of milk in my bag!” Beat. “I do have a bottle in my bag…” He looks at his glass and milk sprayed leather attache case. It’s buckled but the leather flap at the top could allow for a Coke can sized bottle to fall out. What weirds me out is that he doesn’t look into his bag to see if the bottle is still there.

As if it jumped out somehow and he doesn’t want to admit it.

“Are you ok?” I ask and I look down at my bare legs (shorts day at the office). No damage.

“Yeah,” he says, still looking at his bag as if it was alive.

And then we stood there admiring the shatter radius. Both of us thinking How do we clean this up? Should we call someone to clean this up? Like good folks do.

Empty Bowls @ The Gardiner Museum


Tonight SharkBoy, Da, Keify, Fort and Andre and I went back to my favorite spring event – Empty Bowls at the Gardiner Ceramics Museum. You know the drill – buy a ticket, get access to over 400 hand made bowls that may or may not have been created by famous ceramic artists (or their students), walk up to the main room and chow down on 20 or so stations of soup provided by some of Toronto’s best restaurants.

Ate we did.

I apologize for the Hipster filters on the pics, I didn’t bring my real camera!

Collect, Reflect, REJECT

Distractions, Toronto

You can hoard...whatever you want to hoard

During this wonderful spring weekend, SharkBoy and I attended various garage sales around the neighbourhood, looking for trinkets, bobs and baubles and various discards. Who doesn’t love walking on a stranger’s lawn and have the opportunity to judge them by the crap they’re displaying? I love wondering how their life was shaped by the arrival/departure of the unwanted things they’re so ineptly displaying on a carpet or card table.

I did notice a befuddling trend: people seem to be collecting a lot of one particular thing, bulk hoarding as it were, for reasons unknown.

At one house, a lady had at least 40 Esso station Olympic glasses. Either she was a travelling sales agent or she liked the Slushies. I had to wonder why even start to purchase/save them, past 2-3? Getting one singular glass I could understand – everyone needs at least ONE container to put pens/pencils/cylindrical desk crap into for your office, but 40? The prospects of using them as “the good glasses” are nil, or huge, depending on the trailer park you live in. And I can’t fathom saying to yourself “I need 30 more of these!” for whatever reason.

One poor sod had approximately 50 ice gel packs lined up nicely in a box. They had a marketing deal (in their head) of 5 florescent blue chillers for $5. What prompted this person to accept all these into their home when at best they could probably use one or two at a time? What circumstance reared it’s cool-required ugly head and demanded that this person take a box of these packs into their life? I suppose maybe they’re transporting temperature sensitive materials, like Swine Flu vaccines or a human head and needed 50 ice packs.

At one house I found a tray of about 20 miniature “Anne Frank” houses. I supposed they were Anne’s house in tiny format – they looked Amsterdammy. One, sure. La la la vacation in dopeland and hey cool, Anne Frank’s hidey home! I need this! But 20? Were they going to set up some sort of diorama?

Honestly I’m one to talk. I have 1000 4″ Iron Giant action figures (dolls!) in a box in the back of the closet. I’m now starting to collect the 3D glasses from the summer blockbusters so I can make a lamp. When I get around to it, of course.

Knuckle Under

The Bad, Toronto, You Stupid Dick

While walking along Carlton on my way home I espy a car stopping for a red light across the street. There’s a parking ticket flapping crazily in the wind under his wiper, complimenting the massive dent-gash on the driver side.

I consider that the driver probably doesn’t pay much attention to …much. I start the Speculative Bitter Machine in my head and wonder if the driver’s life is full of mea culpas and “Its not my faults”. I imagine him getting out of a parking ticket in front of a judge by feigning a diabetic faint. Or not paying his taxes. Or kicking a puppy.

I look up from the gash to see who I’m judging: a man with his finger two knuckles deep into his nose. His dark eyes wander from the dash over to where I’m standing. Our eyes lock. His finger exits his nose hole. He wipes his hair with same hand. Our eyes are still locked in this briefest of moments.

I can’t contain my disgust. Coupled with the fact that I’ve pre-judged him as being lazy and ignorant, I feel the need to comment.

I American Slow Clap, also known as The Golf Clap*. That is, to clap slowly, sarcastically, steadily and loudly, while tilting your head in such a manner that says “Really? Honestly? …really?!” SharkBoy and I call it American Slow Clap because we kept on seeing it in movies where Villains do it just after the Hero expositions his plan to overcome said Villain.

The driver sees me. “Fuck off!” he yells out his (partially closed) window at me.

*Edited because Jim M knows much more about shit than I do.

Going Without

Distractions, Toronto

“Venti Earl Grey Tea, one tea bag, room for milk, please!”

Yes. I’m back at Starbucks because I seriously cannot handle Tim Hortons service, their staff or even their patrons. It’s like the words “Please” and “Thank you” have been outlawed and replaced with rabid dog-like snarling. I’d rather drink overly strong tea and have a pleasant exchange than deal with the inept dolts at Tim Hortons. Call me un-Canadian and I’ll remind you that “being Canadian” mean’s we’re suppose to be polite to each other.

“Buddy? Excuse me.”

I turn towards the voice and there is a handsome chap behind me in line. His eyes look a bit hound dog and he shyly asks: “I’m not a tea drinker, what did you just order?”

“Earl Grey?” I say. Internally I’m thinking “Captain Picard’s favorite drink… How the fuck did you miss 7 seasons of Star Trek?”

“I’ve been told I can’t drink coffee anymore. Does it have a lot of caffeine?”

“More than coffee, but you have to take out the bag after 5 minutes or it get’s really nasty.”

“What do you put into it?”

“Just like coffee – milk, sugar, steamed milk, lemon. Some do honey.”

“Okay cool. I really can’t do dairy anymore. Been told to stay off it.”

“Dude,” I offer with a downturn inflection, as condolences.

Meanwhile my internal database flips through the reasons you can’t have dairy and come up with syphilis medication. Also, bad cramping and gas. I need to update that database.


Celebs and Media, Gaming, Hobbies, Toronto

Fortressofsolitude, SharkBoy (check out the new site!) and I wandered around the stalls at WizardWorld comicon yesterday. Seriously, dudes, change the name. It sounds like a Harry Potter cash in.

Much smaller than the massive FanExpo in Aug, this comicon was more personal and less stressful. Although the stars were definitely Z-list (Numerous female wrestlers who would let you touch their g-strings, the guy who played The Gorn in the original Star Trek, Winston from Ghostbusters, etc.) the booths were well spaced and not so claustrophobic as the big Expo. Prices were through the spectrum ($30 for a toy… er… action figure?).

Still, the day was spent in good company and I did manage to get a Japanese Star Wars remix t-shirt AND meet up with Doug, who I interviewed a while back here.

Here are some pics! Please enjoy responsibly.

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