While I’m on the rant of legal justice and moral forgiveness, I noticed today that the Black Eagle is taking a Liquor Board of Ontario Induced Time Out for “overcrowding” during Pride last year.
Here’s the inside poop for you people: the Eagle wasnt overcrowded. Ask any of the people in the line up, waiting over 45 minutes to get up onto the patio. The bar was fully staffed and was doing their job properly. Meanwhile, the prosecutor for the Liquor Board had no proof because the investigators didnt file a complete report, yet still pushed to have the bar closed for 45 days, which would have effectively killed the bar. In front of the judge, it came down to the Eagle’s word against the Liquor Board. Now, to be fair, The Eagle got similar infractions in the past but the bar placed doormen at the top and bottom (tee hee!) of the stairs which is a considerable cost in wages and training. The bar complied and even surpassed their requests with physical upgrades to the bar.
Dispite all the time and money the Black Eagle put into renovations and new hires, dispite the lack of evidence from the investigators, the judge ruled that the bar should be closed for 11 days. To appeal this decision, it would have cost twice the amount as being closed for 11 days so the bar shut it’s mouth.
Now, I’m no lawyer (but my brother plays one on TV!!) but I don’t see the justice here.