Category Archives: Personal Bits

Just things from my personal life

Sex Ed From A Book

Personal Bits, Queer stuff

So I mentioned before that my Dad tried to have The Talk with me once, during a road trip to Toronto. Lets step back a bit and see exactly where I got the fruit of knowledge.

I learned about the mechanics of sex from a series of books so cleverly left out in the upper hallway bookshelf for all to see. It was similar to a collection of encyclopedias (really thin encyclopedias) that if my siblings caught me looking at, I would endure days of ribbing and head-knookies. Each tome touching on certain physicality of sexuality such as “Your Body”, “Romance & Love” and “The Act of Creating a Baby” or some such titles. The 5 or 6 books in total were called “Your Health Yourself” or something. The title evades me, but I vividly remember the pink/blue colour scheme and trippy, almost “Joy of Sex” style illustrations. As I type this, I just now realize that maybe my parents left them there for us to leaf through without hiding them or without comment to avoid talking about sex with us. Which is cool, by my standards, because they did try.

These books were where I started to suspect something was up with me. While there was no mention of homosexuality anywhere in the books, I can remember going through a mental checklist of all the things that were happening to me as an adolescent …and coming up short on a couple points.

The book mentioned the arrival of “Pubic hair” …Can’t wait!

The book foretold “Zits” …Gross, but oddly excited about it!

And then the book dropped the prophetical “the desire for female companionship and dating”. …Uh?

One particular passage insisted that I would start to invest more interest in girls and would want to spend more time with them. I remember sitting, staring at that particular part and delving deep into myself and coming up empty every time. Nope. No feelings there. Then I would scoot over to the line drawings of penises. Penii?

joysexI would hunt out other books too, like a particularly odd passage in Peter Benchley’s Jaws, where the lead character takes what his wife thinks is an abnormally long piss, bathroom door open while holding a conversation. Now, I don’t have a yellow hankie fetish but at the time I was fascinated by that part and would re-read it often. Partially because of the thought of a man airing his beans and sausage and because of the total lack of privacy the character seemed not to need while peeing. In a house of 5 kids brought up Catholic, to urinate without being shy was beyond imagination. I also recall a book that lived in our TV room for the longest time I think called “The Grizzly” or “The Bear” (an obvious pulpy Jaws rip off from the 70s) where in one chapter, the author describes a woman attempting to make love to a near-tamed bear with disastrous results. But the greatest, most obvious book that formed my emerging sexuality was discovered while wandering downtown Toronto on one of my father’s business trips. I discovered the Sexuality section of the World’s Biggest Bookstore and their copy of “The Joys of Gay Sex”. My mind was blown. I couldn’t afford it and if I could, I doubt I would have had the charcoal-drawn cahones to even attempt the transaction. So I spent many an hour reading it while keeping a sharp eye out for meddling shop clerks.

I would later on encounter “The Joy of Gay Sex” tome when my father left it on the kitchen counter for me. Suggested reading when he learned that I was going to a gay club in a near by city… “Just to dance!” I would explain.

Sex Ed at 100 Klicks Per

Personal Bits, Travel

It’s a long ride between Toronto and Brockvegas, where I grew up.

When I was 13 I started to occasionally accompany my dad on business trips into Toronto. At that age I was ready to escape the bizarre conservatism that the town’s parents exuded and the boring, “lets get drunk every night” attitude my high school chums demanded I enroll in. Toronto was an “otherworld”, a safe haven where my hidden gay desires could be “not so hidden” and I would beg my dad to take me along with him, if only to sit in a hotel room in a large metropolitan city for a day.

As I said, it was a long ride, especially before everyone in Ontario collectively decided that 120kph was the unofficial legal limit (I doubt cars could sustain that limit for long, back then). It took under 6 hours with rest stops as opposed to the manic 4 hours you can do it today in good traffic/no peeing.

One particular trip to Toronto defined my car relationship with my father and was possibly the most notable. Trapped in Dad’s LTD, he decided somewhere around Kingston he was going to give me The Talk. Yes, The Talk where as a teen, you have to discuss sexual intimacies with a parent. Yes it was spine-curlingly embarrassing, with long pauses and awkward metaphors and aphorisms that made me press my back hard against the passenger door. I could see it in Dad’s eyes that his back was equally plastered to his door, the window crank making an indelible mark along his spine. But he was determined to get this parental duty done.

Dad started out slow with a statement that would make any teen boy writhe in panic. The harbinger of adult responsibility. The trumpet blow before your cocooned, responsibility-free young adult world crashed down around you.

“You’re at an age, now…”

The depths of which my father went into sex was kept to a respectable level, almost 10ft pole distance, but every so often he would prod one of my prudish nerves like some one-off serial killer extra on Dexter: “You… know about vaginas…?”


“You know about sex, right? About …fucking…?”


I tried to deflect it by pointing out that we get this subject in school now so this awkward talk can change to something else. But no, he continued.

“You know how babies are made, right?”

“…Dad…? Please.”

And so it went through several topics, until, like some great engine seizing up with a lack of oil, our conversation seized at a long pause, unsure where to go next.

Those who know my father, know this whole incident skirts on the edge of irony. Three years after this scene, my father came out of the closet, finally admitting his own sexuality and becoming comfortable with himself to drive faster.

Full Circle

Personal Bits

The phone rings last night and it’s the Old Audio Dude (my third in line brother), he’s coming to Toronto with Heather and The Mop, my incredibly thick-haired nephew. No really, this kid’s hair is incredible considering he came from our gene pool of hairy backed, thin-on-top family. He can take solace (or sadness?) in knowing that no Mii editor, no Xbox avatar creator, no PS3 Home builder, will every be able to recreate his large, unruly mane.

I digress.

He’s here in town and to give Heather the day to herself, SharkBoy and I are going to treat him to a march down Queen West and a movie (Marley and Me). I think there might be robot shopping involved. Expect pictures. What makes me feel incredibly old and expectant, is the fact that he’s the exact age when I started to come with my Dad to Toronto on business trips and run around alone on the subway downtown (yeah, they use to let 13 year old kids wander the streets alone back in the 70s).

I’m slightly weirded out that this is how the legacy is passed on – trips to the Silver Snail with $20 in his pocket, a ticket to a movie and popcorn, chased down with big gulps of sugar water. That arcade is closed so I can’t show him that – he’s voiced his desire to plug into our PS3/Wii/Xbox combo until his eyes bleed, anyway. If I had more time I’d take him to the Science Centre but that’s too late. Oh well, we’ll teach him the fine art of shopping. Every young lad should learn that early.

The Best Pictures of 2008 From!

Distractions, Personal Bits, Toronto, Travel

Okay boring one out of the way first: Flickr tells me this was my most viewed picture for last year:
My Brother's Wallpaper

The best “Husband” Image for 2008 goes to “Beach Relaxio at Saugatuck”

The Runner up best “Husband” picture is also the Best “Picture from Disneyland”:

Best “Involved With Enviroment” image goes to “Huge Bollocks!”
That's Impressive

Next, the best “Brush With a Homemade Celebrity” Image goes to “Lack of Faith”!
I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing

For the “Most Creative Use of Clippers” award, we give it to “Hot DJ”
Hot DJ

The award for “No Colour Manipulation” image goes to “Husband on a Dock”!
No Saturation Required

Best “Well, DUH” image goes to “Crew’s Fire Saftey Plan”
Crews is on Fire

For the best “Faux Arty Farty” shot, we give you “Ball of Burn”!
Ball of Burn

But the “All Round Ultimate Best”, in my humble opinion, would have to be my depthy, curious picture of a hybrid cauliflower and a cat:
Fractal Food Curious Cat

Puns on Work Time. Fun!

Personal Bits

Someone we know is getting a fist full of Argentinean Pesos for Xmas. When I googled the exchange I discovered the abbreviation for this currency is “ARS”.

SharkBoy and I have been emailing each other, talking about getting some ARS:

SB: I went to the money exchange place across the street, it’s now a Greek restaurant, opening day for it too… I didn’t even realized it was close…
DR: Okay don’t worry. If you don’t find ARS then we’ll think of something else. But don’t kill yourself looking for ARS.
SB: I’ll go look for ARS after work, I like ARS, your dad will totally appreciate the ARS too. I wonder how much I’ll have to pay for ARS for your dad.
DR: I’m glad we have enough this year in our budget to cover our ARS. Can you believe how much ARS we can get for a dollar? I hope the ARS doesn’t fall flat in the next while.
SB: I hope your dad enjoys all these ARS. The lady at the money exchange place had a lot of ARS, let me tell you Baby Got ARS. If the dollars goes up, it will quite a kick in the ARS


Car Conversations: Setting Boundaries

Personal Bits

I finish setting up SharkBoy’s travel mug for the long trip to Montreal.

SharkBoy: Thanks babe.

Dead Robot: Anything for you, babe.

SB: Well then I want a pedicure.

DR: (Thinking) Yeah, I’d probably do that.


DR: I don’t think I’d put one of those small dentist elastics on your hemmeroids, if you had one.