Category Archives: General

Mostly pop culture rants. Usually without reason or spell chekin.

Blog Roll Ups


I’m Flabberghasted (Sharkboy’s new fave word) at the amount of things people are writing. It’s time for Blog Roll Call!

 AcidReflux deals with webcelebrity.

Blam has one of his copywrited fotoplays. This one about Hot Docs and Honest Eds!

Blog of Bones needs to update.

Al helped Zug creator John Hargrave in a nearly successful stunt that hacked the Superbowl.

Yikes! Broke Ass Weave’s blog discusses the strings of tampons. I told you it’s not safe for work!

I think Cute With Chris  is flirting with me: ROBOT CATS!

The View, from Dainty Bastard’s love nest.

Three new hillarious posts from A to B. Seriously, this man should stop selling beer.

A moment of non-political reporting from HairyFishNuts. Shoot on, brother!

Hypnoray watches disk one of Superman series. I wonder to myself if Supe is more god than god-like.

I Always Win needs to update. (But I don’t mind the post that is there now)

Another collection of humorous images from the drunken Irishman. (This post is ok, but deviation into his blog is sometimes NSFW)

Photojunkie is borderline needing to update. But has a curious conundrum in shoes and crackers.

Pxl8 posts his company’s demo reel. I drool.

RoboCub posts a video of what the Black Party should be. I got 20 seconds into it before thinking “uh this is too homoerotic for work.” I’ll have to check it out at home!

That Woman In Cornburg needs to update!

Unsweetened gets tagged. I think she’s too busy on Facebook to respond!

Hello! We Are a Bunch of Dicks!


We are a bunch of baby eating drooling morons, here at! We like to compromise our mothers with abandon and we enjoy filming it for youtube, too! Visit us today!

At, your content is our Google ranking! So why not spend some of your special time and give us stuff so that we can claim H4xoR l33t status! We can’t be caught because we’re using the latest in blog software! Yay us!

Did we mention we like to have sexy time with our dogs? Arf!

Talking to Scientists


Us: So stop me if I’m wrong. The world is warming up.

Scientists: …as we have been saying for a few years now, yes.

Us: Really?

Scientists: Yes!

Us: I think we would have noticed if you had mentioned it. I mean you’re like …wow… big brains and all. You command respect when you say something.

Scientists: We told you way back in the 70s! You were too busy with your discos and cocaine parties. (Mumbling) Which we weren’t invited to.

Us: Science brought us coke…

Scientists: (rubbing eyes) Yeah. Okay. Our bad. Now. About the warming.

Us: Well it seems to us that since we’re all in this mess and you have the big brains…

Scientists: (wary) …yes….

Us: …that you should really be working on faster than light travel…

Scientists: Oh lord…

Us: So that we can go to Mars or some other planet to, you know…

Scientists: Use.

Us: Yah. Use.

Scientists: Why don’t we try to change things here?

Us: Uh hun! No way! That means giving up my car. Possibly my Costco membership.

Scientists: Look. If we do build an FTL ship, I can assure you that Scientists will be Atlas Shrugging our way on it as soon as we can.

Us: …Is. That some sort of code?