Category Archives: Celebs and Media

Where Deadrobot brushes up against celebrities

Not So Tweet

Celebs and Media

How many of you actually watched the Oscars and how many of you Tweeted the Oscars? Raise your bloody stumps of hands with ex-fingers on the ends of them.

I thought so.

In all seriousness I found the Twitter comments much more engaging than the show, but I doubt I could have hit refresh, taken in the comments and watched the show at the same time.

Of the 60 some odd Twerps I follow (how can some of you follow 100? 300? A thousand?!) I would say that 90% of you were busy commenting on people’s outfits, eye rolling caught on camera’s cutaways or just basic tomfoolery (or lack there of). Best comment I read summed up the entire evening: From James Urbaniak: “Tyler Perry’s Tyler Perry!

CB’s comment regarding the oddest dance sequence I’ve ever seen on an Oscar’s broadcast was spot on: “Where the fuck is Debbie Allen when you need her?

But addinfulleffect summed up my feelings towards last night show: “These may be the worst oscars since the letterman uma oprah debaucle

So underwhelmed. And was expecting so much more from Steve Martin/Alec Baldwin. Now, if you excuse me I’m going to light a candle for Bea Aurthur and Farrah Fawcett Majors.

I Too, Have Had Sext Relations With Adam Giambrone

Celebs and Media, Toronto

A few months back I was on the TTC and at Bloor station, Adam G hopped on and immediately whipped out his Blackberry.

I was utterly surprised!

He’s taller than I expected and was quite striking in his finely tailored suit – something you don’t see often on the subway. Even though I knew he was the Chair of the TTC, I thought it odd that he would actually use the Teet as part of his daily commute. I mean come on! He’s the friggin’ chair, right? Limos!

Anyway, he was so intent on getting a message out before the train moved (and killed the signal, I guess) that he huddled over his unit with utmost concern. As quickly as it started, he finished his business and seemed more relaxed and amicable to his surroundings. Was he sexting his current beau? Or another? Or some dude?

That’s actually the end of my story. Can we please leave the poor bastard alone now?


Celebs and Media


I fucking mean it! I will come to your house and fuck up your day so bad if you people continue to use that word for any reason. EVEN IF WHAT YOU ARE DESCRIBING IS REPRESENTATIONAL OF A DEITY!

I think you mean to say “supreme” or “ultimate” or “pretty keen!” not iconic.

It’s driving me fucking nuts. STOP right NOW!