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I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth, and I know apologizing for a lack of posting is the lamest thing in the world.

But in my case it’s true.

Work has hacked away one of my support staff and the workload has become 100%. I’m unable to find time to steal time. Which, I guess is good for all of us, really. The economy being shitty as it is.

I’ve also been busy in the last preps for Disney. It took us close to 4 hours to pack. That in itself is weird since 80% of our trip is just t-shirts and shorts, but we hit snags in the 4 nights of fine dining aboard the ship. We don’t need to bring suits but getting to look just right took a bit longer that expected. Then I needed to fold it, which, to me, is like folding space and time.

I’m no Guild Spacer, Second Class.

Enough of the geek references.

I did go out today and snag some very expensive roaming packages, so there will be updates to this blog while in parks, eating food and barfing beside Expedition Everest. I hope you can join us!

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