Formative Pop – Irwin Allen pt 2

Celebs and Media, Robots

B9? Or Y-M3? Or was it Gunther? Whatever you call him, the robot from Lost In Space was pretty cool:

FYI here’s what the B9 figure says:
First bit: Japanese (Possibly “Danger! Danger!”?)
Second line: “Warning! Warning!”
Next: “Dinosaur!” Or something in Japanese
Then: A whole thwack of Japanese
Then: “I am sorry. It does not Compute.”
Suddenly: Another thwack of mumbled Japanese
Then: The most creepiest laugh ever. I don’t ever recall B9 laughing…

4 thoughts on “Formative Pop – Irwin Allen pt 2

  1. Dead Robot

    I just loved loved loved the animation. I want whole shows done in that style!

    Dr Smith nearly didn’t exist. The first pilot didnt have any mention of him. Thankfully he’s there berating the robot.

    Postbear. Apologies, and fixed. I’m just learning Dailymotion since YouTube has automatically denied my last two episodes due to Copyfuck issues with Fox TV. God forbid it might make someone want to go out and buy their discs. Meh.

  2. postbear


    you may want to kill the autoplay on that video, though i was tempted to open it in a few windows to hear a ‘row row row your boat’-style echo chorus of “who’s a good robot?”.

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