Still Watching the Watchmen

Celebs and Media

Teaser posters! Get your teaser posters!

Wired reports that various blog/publications have been given separate poster art for each of the characters. I’ve saved you the trouble and downloaded them here for your viewing porn below.

Shame to Entertainment Weekly for only providing a tiny thumbnail instead of the big splash. What’s up, EW? Too cheap for the bandwidth?

Nite Owl

Nite Owl



Silk Spectre

Silk Spectre

Ozymandias And Bubastis

Ozymandias And Bubastis



Dr Manhattan, as big as he gets

Dr Manhattan, as big as he gets

8 thoughts on “Still Watching the Watchmen

  1. jenn

    OMG. I’m glad I’m not the only one that’s counting down to this premiere. What is Dr. Manhattan going to look like? I must see it right… on IMAX. Eeeiii.

  2. Evil Panda

    I’m just hoping they don’t fuck this up. I’d love it if it turned out the way Sin City/V for Vendetta/300 did.

  3. Dead Robot

    Who would you suggest would be true to the graphic novel (and remember, we’re talking graphic here)? Sarah Polley?

    The article does say that he had very little in the writing process and it was penned by a video game writer (metal gear solid 4!) so I doubt we’re going to see Hollis’ memoirs become subtext for loss of faith any time soon in this movie, so I’ll take visuals as cornerstone.

    Lets face it, it’s better as a serial, like Heroes because of it’s density. But in the end…

    it’s just a friggin comic book!

  4. blamb

    Haaaa! Zack Snyder is good at making things look pretty, but he has no appetite for subtext or nuance. And he’s too hooked on “cool”. Watchmen is about a bunch of weirdo losers … it would have been more appropriately directed by the guy who did Napoleon Dynamite … or even Kevin Smith.

  5. Dead Robot

    While I agree with you about the new ending possibly making this movie suck like a Ginger Snaps 2 chest wound, I would argue that Zack Snyder is the only person I’d trust to bring this to the screen, based on his track record with 300: hugely relying on the original artwork as art direction.

    Okay, admittedly, Ozymandias is not in his original yellow and blue, but everything else looks like Dave Gibbons farted.

  6. blamb

    Meh. It’s been confirmed that the ending has been changed and there’s no “squid”. For me, one of the things that made the ending so satisfying was the complete horror of the “peace” plan, including the telepathic madness the squid spreads to the survivors. And storywise, the squid itself was a sort of “costumed adventurer”, masquerading as an “alien” and representing the extreme worst case scenario of the vigilante mindset. The director has a very weak track record and I don’t think he had what it takes to adapt this book.

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