
Celebs and Media

If you caught the Canadians on the Red Carpet, Ben Mulroney and Jeannie Bekker, you got to see ol’ Pez Head Bekker doing her best brown nosing to all who would listen to her. Her reusable line to suck up to the stars was “Who are you wearing? Oh Designer X! Who better than Designer X can make a gown!” I think she forgot that we as a nation were watching her hand that tired platitude out to all of Hollywood over and over again. I almost (ALMOST) yearned for Ben to say something, anything to stop the vapid prattle coming out of Pez-Head’s flappy Canadian mouth. After 5 minutes of ADD-style jumping back and forth between the Ground Zero twits and the useless two twits “above the red carpet”, I turned on my Wii to await the start of the Oscars.

John Steward. Please stay. Smart funny. All the embarrassing shtick was left to Steve Carrell to die a slow death while on live tv.

What was up with all the Enchanted songs? Was that it for music this year?

No real surprises except for Twyla for Best Supporting Actress. And a nice nod to gaydom at the last acceptance speech.

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