My Ongoing Hate-on For Timmys And Other Effluvia


…has been added to this morning. It’s been a while. I’m not saying I’ve had impeccable service from the Timster since March (I’ve been going back to Starbucks just so that I get a nice “please” and “thank you” from a human), no. I’m now only writing about the complete meltdowns in customer/cashier relations. “Green Tea” indeed!

Also, for those of you who don’t read the comments, Evil Panda is the best human on the planet. He’s wrangled a full replacement for my Dead Zone iPhone. Praise him. Now.

In preparation for the prodigal son’s return, I spent most of last night fixing my coverflow problem in iTunes. Without a store account, you can grab the album covers from the web (amazon) but you have to make sure they live on your hard drive somewhere before dragging them into the GET INFO window. Just copying from a web page and pasting into this window yields unpredictable results (especially when synced to iPhone/iPod).

I’ve elected to make bread for the family dinner this Thanksgiving. Call me Jesus. Thank god for the bread machine.

I see that Hitachi is prototyping a 32″ LCD screen at 0.75″ thin. I may pee myself.

5 thoughts on “My Ongoing Hate-on For Timmys And Other Effluvia

  1. Phronk

    Yeah I usually Google too…Amazon pictures are too small and look fuzzy when big.

    Also, I’m always able to drag and drop images directly (no hard drive) with Firefox. I just select all the songs in the album, then drag the picture to the lower-left corner. Seems to work as well as anything else in iTunes (i.e., works most of the time but sometimes things randomly screw up).

  2. St. Dickeybird

    You get your album covers from Amazon? I just google (image) the album I’m looking for…

    ps. you obviously haven’t been to the Starbucks at Yonge/Davisville… they just stare blankly at you and then get confused when you ask for the simplest coffees.

  3. Normlr

    Don’t forget about the brilliant graphic designers who decided to only use four colours for all the tea boxes. They would just make the shades slightly different to make a different “colour.” This constantly resulted in me receiving a Peppermint tea instead of the Green Tea I had ordered. The boxes were both green and hard to tell apart with just a quick glance. I actually called Tim Horton’s customer service and complained. A few months later they changed the packaging. I like to think I had something to do with it and it wasn’t a complete coincidence.

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