Eating My Young


One of the biggest mistakes a blogger can do is to apologize for not making entries. It’s as bad as “posting the cat” (guilty!) which I don’t want to do. I’d rather post quality than quantity.

I make no apology.

I’m frigging busy.

I have my wedding in 3 days and freelance work that has to be done before my honeymoon/cruise.

But I will give you this nugget of Deadrobotism: Last night at 4am, the cat woke us both with a crying jag so bad (George Hamilton was out of food) we had to watch some TV to get back to sleep.

The Tonight Show was showing a repeat from their Halloween show. Marylin Manson was singing vocally eviscerating a version of “Halloween” from A Nightmare Before Christmas. Talk about jumping the eye-liner encrusted goth shark. If he’s reduced to being wheeled out, seasonally, like some tired Charles Shultz crap cartoon, for lack of new material, I don’t feel so bad for not posting.

Marylin almost made up for his sell out when, at the end of his set, he gave Leno a big black lipsticky smudge of a kiss behind his ear.

11 thoughts on “Eating My Young

  1. Peter

    I’m really glad everyone liked it….that is part one of 3!!!

    Now if I’m so cool start visiting my blog! And have a great cruise!

    And hello…what about my Carol Channing? And she only ever married two gay men!!!

  2. Evil Panda

    Crap! I was gonna wear that Ann Margaret outfit on our first formal night on the cruise! NOW THE SURPRISE IS RUINED!!!!!

  3. Dickson Coatworthy

    Cats, if not obeyed, become all “Tony Soprano”…my manx Jo can totally do that Tony look…

  4. Dickson Coatworthy

    Bridal jitters. We can wait, but a blow-by-blow expose on that wedding, please!!!!

    Hey, fed that cat!

    Do some breathing yoga…I had a yoga friend that just before going into meditation would lean over to me and whisper:

    “Think bad thoughts…”

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