Sage Advice


I wish 2/3rds of the blogs out there would have heeded to these words, evident by the jump in partisan blogs on the Non-Partisan Blogging Alliance.

Sometimes I wish *I* had, but I’m happy to mutter to the great cyberspace like a pee-smelling street troll.

“Hi fan!”
– Daily Show correspondent to his real-time video blog camera.

10 thoughts on “Sage Advice

  1. Busdriver

    Pooter will tell you that de-clawing isn’t as bad as some make it out to be. She was bouncing off the walls and climbing all over the day after she came back from the vets. The only difference is that my furniture has survived these last 17 years.

  2. Peter

    PS: in case kitty does start loving her scratching post, I found the ultimate one. I’m fine with de-clawing btw, just saying…..I’ve lived with cats that were……..well, nightmares.

  3. hockeyfan960

    Our cat “Ducky”…the name that the Pound gave him….has not front claws yet still kills many chipmonks, moles and birds….Being bright white, I’d call that quite a feat…the Fox and Groundhog on the other hand…causes him a bit of angist…but he still ventures out every night….

  4. Dead Robot

    I’d like not to declaw but George Hamilton uses everything BUT his personal scratching post to hone his claws. When he starts to scratch, I calmly take him over to the post but he ignores that and goes back to taking strips off the curtain/couch/doormat/neighbour.

  5. Lex

    I read these comments bottom up and I agree with Dickson – DeadRobot don’t declaw, I love it when you are catty!

    Oh, and don’t declaw Georgie Boy either. It’s evil and painful. Better to make/buy him a personalized scratching post. I would help.

  6. Dead Robot

    There are other blog-list hatefull entries at the bottom which are just as funny. As for potential employers finding info about me, I plan to work for incredibly web-ignorant companies until my fingers sieze up.

    George Hamilton is the picture of playful health. George Hamilton needs to be declawed soon. George Hamilton pees (thankfully) in all the right places

  7. Dan

    Great link!

    I found the warning most useful:

    “The information you post on the Internet is likely to linger for years and years to come, as web pages are archived by “snapshot” services like the Wayback Machine. Once it’s out there, you can’t take it back. An employer running a Google search on your name years down the line might be turned off by your now documented obsession with your cat.”

    Plus, it mentions cats. Has George Hamilton’s litter training gone well? Or does George Hamilton pee on the floor?

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