
Celebs and Media

Looks like Richard Ouzounian is feeling Generous. A good article up until he mentions the Liver Thing. Bastard.

He mentions Dear Mr Newton, too (see last post). Weiiiiiird.

3 thoughts on “Generous

  1. Dead Robot

    That was the jump off point for the play in the US. Dont get me wrong but it helped that a “Big Name” was one of the leads (the dad from Frasier?)

    Last I heard DB was translated into Japanese. You should see his new house…

  2. Evil Panda

    Was the liver thing supposed to be secret? I don’t understand…

    Anyway, I have a few friends here that are serious theater buffs. While name dropping to one of them, I mentioned that I was going camping with the fabulous Ted Healey, the brother of the guy who wrote “The Drawer Boy”. Sshe just about peed her pants. According to her, it’s one of the best plays put on at Steppenwolf (Chicago’s big artsy theater) in the last 10 years.

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