
Personal Bits

Sharkboy, The Postman and The Chicago Boys Grizz and Evil Panda, were having dinner the other night, a set meal at the Bear Jamboree. We were served cabbage rolls with bacon wrapped around the mushy content of whatever is in a cabbage roll, surrounded by the leaf.

Sharkboy: “This is good. But it’s a bit too bacony.”

I swear to god there was a full 30 second moment of silence before the rest of us replied in near unison:

“Too bacony?!?”

7 thoughts on “Ridiculous!

  1. Dickson Coatworthy

    The Joe-cat, aka the Black Walrus, and I had a midnight snack of ketchup, mayo, flour tortillas and TURKEY bacon…we felt righteously okay afterwards…

  2. SplitRail

    I’m going to have to back Sharkboy on this one. It’s a little known fact that bacon must be served between 146 and 152 degrees farenheit. Cooler than that, it becomes too bacony, hotter than that, it’s not bacony enough.

    That optimum temperature range is known as the six degrees of separation.

  3. Dickson Coatworthy

    Too bacony? I don’t get that. I studied with a rabbi that taught me to eat bacon with relish (the fun kind not the green pickle kind…but, what, bacon with relish? maybe huh?….)

    I’ve been craving this bacon thing that I have not had in years: you take whole chestnuts and soak them overnight in soya sauce and then wrap bacon around them and broil…a heart attack waiting to happen.

    Oh don’t get me started on wrapping peameal around gobs of warm ketchup…Soul food for the sad….

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