A Message to AcidReflux, Dainty Bastard and Madame Rouge

Queer stuff

I dreamt last night that one by one, you all found happiness in the arms of your dream men. But before committing to them, you shagged me like Jodi Foster on a pinball machine just for one last fling.

I am totally serious about this. And so Aroungry.

16 thoughts on “A Message to AcidReflux, Dainty Bastard and Madame Rouge

  1. Furface

    LOL, that’s about all the french I retained from school too…

    Attencion, attencion, s’il vous plait. Il y a une petite jeune fille perdue dans le magasin.

  2. Anna Synenko

    No, I am not ANALsying this one…suffice to say Sharkboy should have let you keep the videos.

  3. furrywolf

    jus de framboise! Ou est Pierre? Pierre est dans la salle de bain. LOL
    PBOT…Pushy bottom for obedient top…

  4. FurryWolf

    hmmmm….we can shag the delicateness OUT of you…
    consider it a ‘fait accompli!’

  5. Dead Robot


    A cross between Aroused and Angry.

    Or Angry and Hungry.

    Depending on the situation. They’re pretty close.

    I can take drops from a great height but I tilt easy. I’m a delicate butterfly.

  6. FurryWolf

    how long can we shag before you ‘TILT’??
    aroungry = not totally satisfied…

    lets fix that! grrrrrrr

  7. daryl

    not toally convinced i know what “aroungry” means, but i know i love it. sounds like it must be spring time!

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