In other words, we didn’t get our lazy asses off the couch, much. We’re both teetering on bronchitis, both of us inflicted with some phlemmy parasite that some horrid child must have given us while at Disney World. Early yesterday morning we decided that we weren’t going to do any chores and just watch movies.<\/p>\n We started with the Criterion release of Terry Gilliam’s Brazil<\/em>, the one with the restored footage and the depressing ending. I remember when I first saw this movie, the roommate I had at the time back in ’85, went to the theatre manager to complain about the actual movie. With tears streaming down her face she logically explained that the ending was so sad that she deserved her money back. I’ve never seen this kind of reaction from anyone over a movie ever again in my life. Well, close second was my ex-boyfriend at the time after seeing The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and her Lover<\/em> – he spent the last half of that movie crossing and uncrossing his legs and making disapproving little “Tsk” noises, which led to a huge fight in the parking lot. So now, I either talk all the way through it or walk out or both if the movie is contentious.<\/p>\n Me? I thought Brazil<\/em> was awesome. Then and more so now, after trying to pick out details in the corners of the action. The visual jokes abound in it – like all the duct work (in Sam’s mother’s home, all the antique lamps have ducts leading into them) or the slogans on the posters in the background.<\/p>\n Then we actually did get off our asses and went to the Lightbox to see Johnny Guitar<\/em> with Joan Crawford. I have to say I love seeing movies there. The chairs are comfy, the auditoriums are near perfect for sound quality and who doesn’t like seeing Joan up on a big screen, back when camp was king? One thing though, if you arrive late for the show, that’s fine, sit down fast and settle in but for fucks sake DO NOT CHECK YOUR PHONE FOR TEXTS after you sit down. You lost that fucking right when you entered the theatre late, you stupid shaggy dick mongrel.<\/p>\n Johnny Guitar on the big screen was amazing. We both noticed how all the actors spent most of the movie standing in one spot, delivering their lines, looking amazing in their costumes while standing on hugely elaborate sets. And how awesome Mercedes McCambridge’s<\/a> acting was, when put up against Mrs Crawford. Especially her voice which was a cross between The Wicked Witch of the West and Ethel Merman.<\/p>\n We then hoofed it back home to the couch again to see Muppets From Space<\/em>. Yeah a real Oscar winner. But at least it had 99% more Pepe the King Prawn in it than the last film.<\/p>\n All this time on the couch I created this little gem of a movie of our day at Disney’s Hollywood Studios completely on my iPad (see, I was getting to that, Mr Title Referencer…).<\/p>\n My point for all this is that I didn’t spend any time yesterday working on pictures for today’s post, so enjoy the movie!<\/p>\n<\/a>Yesterday, SharkBoy and I spent the day consuming a lot of media.<\/p>\n