5. Akira.<\/strong> I struggled with this one. Akira is as popular in Japan as Goin’ Down The Road<\/a> is in Canada. My animation history class was shown a 20 min clip of this movie as an example of how Japan dominates the world in cartoons. If you’ve any appreciation for hand drawn cartoons, there’s a good chance you’ve seen it and the sequence (Hand drawn! No computers!) of the psychic bubble blast racing through Neo-Tokyo is iconic*. You may know that there’s a remake being made<\/a> right now in the US which is getting fanboys up in a tizzy. With Geekcred so high and steering the almighty Hollywood dollar nowadays, I’m pretty sure it is destined to fall upon it’s sword.<\/p>\n<\/a>Before I start, I have to delineate the difference between B-List and Cult – this is my own interpretation, so take it as you will. B-List<\/em> is a movie that has been utterly shunned by the general populace as being bad. I’d pay no more than $5 to see a B-List movie at a repertory theatre but there’s a 50\/50 chance said movie is not in my collection at home. Meanwhile, a Cult<\/em> movie would be a B-List movie that more than 75% of the populace has seen and hate, yet somehow lives on in the hearts of the socially inept.<\/p>\n