The kid brother of the big comic con rolled into town this weekend and brought some pretty hefty stars this time, like Peter Mayhew, Billy Dee Williams and Scott Thompson<\/p>\n
He has a new, excellently drawn comic book<\/a> out based on his Buddy Husk character, which he signed for me. <\/p>\n Actually in all my years this was the first time I’ve ever approached a celebrity and gushed a bit. I told Scott about the time SharkBoy and I were playing “here’s your husband<\/a>” on the patio of the Black Eagle and he walked through the door. <\/p>\n The con was fun, we watched the 501st table for a little while and hung out with BobaDoug (see his amazing Boba Fett costume below…) did some light shopping (new trooper tee shirts!), but it felt a but low key, compared to the big Con. Still, it was a good afternoon, considering I was with my husband!<\/p>\n Full photo set here<\/a>, some below if you’re too lazy to click through.<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n