Out of the blue, Ronan called me<\/a>. How is this news? Well Ronan was the guy working on my tattoo out of a certain closed down tat shop off of Yonge Koffkoffkingoffoolskoff<\/em>. He’s starting up a new shop called Imperial Tattoo<\/a> (Myspace site, real one coming soon, they tell me) down at 9 Ossington (just north of Queen) and let me tell you, it’s an impressive space. He’s in an old architect’s space with big industrial windows, exposed ceilings, hardwood floors and not a lick of gloomy skulls or goth sentimentality. Looks like he’s going after an upscale client\u00c3\u00a8le (read: old guys going through mid-life crisises who want to keep the last shred of cool by getting a $1000 tattoo. Read: me). So the robot tattoo is back in play with the spaceman getting filled in. Expect pictures of that as soon as it stops scabbing up! <\/p>\n I do have some lovely food pictures from Sunday that made the waitress at the Coach House Restaurant snarkily ask at the end of our meal: “Care for some coffee? Tea? Something else to play with?”<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n