Click all pics to embiggen.<\/em><\/p>\n Friday night, SharkBoy got his old bear head tattoo augmented<\/a>. We recommend Damien at King of Fools Tattoo: A nice guy with a steady hand and a good eye. SharkBoy has already started to plan his next tatt for Damien to do. After, we went to Indi-blows at Bloor and Bay to see the Harry Potter fever. Street magicians! People in costumes! Grown adult children in costumes! And then SharkBoy caught the fever and we had to line up. Well, he lined up. I was having no part of this, but as a dutiful husband, I supported his need to be at this event. Let’s play “Where’s WaldoSharkBoy?” Finally branded with the number of the beast, we make our way over to the line up to get a book. <\/a>See this woman here? She is a cow. She is someone who gets through life cheating and when caught, turns the blame around on other people and never herself. That’s right, this is a full grown “adult” who thought it necessary to try to jump the line to get a crappy kids book. (By the way, we were in the same shop the next day and they had hundreds of them still). She came up behind us an hour into our wait (and we still had an hour and a half to go) and, while on her cell phone, kept stepping forward along the side of the line. I would make brief eye contact with her using my best glare and eventually she just stopped looking at me, even when I took out my camera and announced loudly that I needed her pic for my blog so I could show the world what an inconsiderate adult “child” looks like. SharkBoy called her out on her queue-jumping tactic and she gave the lame excuse that she was there all along (riiiiight), and she was hot and claustrophobic and that arguing was stupid!! SharkBoy basically told her to fuck herself. I love him so much!<\/p>\n He Who Shall Never be Named came by and was spat on by teen girls. And finally, SharkBoy gets his book. At this point I left the line to take shelter from the crush and stood beside a cop. A cop with a gun in a book store. Anyway. We make eye contact and the cop says “Hey,” and I say “Hey,” holding up my hands. “Potter Widow,” I say, meaning myself as I point at the line. He laughs. Saturday was nothing. We stayed in and slept due to SharkBoy having the goopiest meat packing blood tampons taped to his back. Plus he couldn’t wash until at least 24 hours after the tattoo. So we Wii-ed for the most of the day with Cooking Mama’s Cook Off and Big Brain Academy. My brain weighs 1151g. Yay!<\/p>\n