Amy, the ASL gorilla and political correspondent, has a few words:
Amy! Sad gorilla.
Amy fun last night make right tribe below Amy. Tribe below Amy good now!
But Amy sad.
Amy maker peels last banana.
Amy maker sleeps long sleep.
Bye Amy maker.
Amy, the ASL gorilla and political correspondent, has a few words:
Amy! Sad gorilla.
Amy fun last night make right tribe below Amy. Tribe below Amy good now!
But Amy sad.
Amy maker peels last banana.
Amy maker sleeps long sleep.
Bye Amy maker.
Political Correspondent Amy (the ASL talking Gorilla) has this newsflash:
Amy Good! Banana now!
Other tribe do our tribe thing too!
But other tribe old one not know new thing. Blue screen bad!
Via James Urbaniak’s LiveJournal (the voice of Dr Venture)
“I won’t say goodbye! I’ll see you in 5 weeks!”
Thus our fearless leader drops us into our 40th election. I’ve invited Amy, the ASL speaking gorilla to comment on our next round of political postulation. Amy?
Amy good gorilla!
Banana now? No?Mush face go tv tell us make circle work.
No talk about problems bad now.
Talk about himself. Circle work.Mustache man make words.
Make good words until one stupid word. Destroy all good words before.Funny Word Man makes funny words.
Amy scratch head. What? Wait for good words. Words come but work for words.More of same.
Banana now? Amy good!
Thanks Amy! Stay tuned for 5 more weeks of Elections Canada updates as they happen!
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