Category Archives: Personal Bits

Just things from my personal life

Norwalk In the Park

Personal Bits

Uhg. I uh… just a sec.


I got this bug from my brother-in-law while in Vermont– Sec…


…and I have never felt more gross in my life. Not because I have zero energy or desire to live, but because I keep on pooping and washing and pooping.


I’m glad it hit me when I got home and not in some embarrassing “drive home” situation or worse yet, at the house we were staying at. I hate being sick away from home.


I’m feeling better and rather svelt! I pooped out my entire Xmas indulgences in a period of 24 hours! However, I doubt that I will be hosting/going to any New Years parties.


Now I have to get ready for work. Insert cork, get on TTC, etc.

Home From The Holidays

Personal Bits

Hi kids! It was robots galore for me this year! I finally got Rock’Em Sock’Em Robots (about 38 yrs late, but very welcome, for sure) as well as the new Blade Runner DVD. Throw in a custom Dead Robot hat and it was a faboo season!

We were all sick when we got to Vermont. I and Sharkboy were on the tail end of a cold, and so was his sister when we arrived. Our brother-in-law managed to pick up some exotic 24 hour bug over Xmas eve that knocked him down hard. Our nephew had a broken hand. Needless to say we didn’t do much but we did have fun.

Pics below. Includes dinner at my brother’s house a few days before going to the US. Enjoy!

World AIDS Day

Personal Bits

I was going to put something smart-assed up for WAD, but when I saw this light display the other day I thought better of it.


Last night the cat woke me up at 4:30am and trying to get back to sleep I came up with a whole comedy routine in my dazed state. The brunt of the routine was this statement: “When was the last time big pharmaceutical companies ever cured anything? Restless leg syndrome? Fuck off. They’re cultivating cash cows. Worse than the Matrix.”

Think, remember and act.

Good and Stupid

Personal Bits

I wandered into my local Starbucks for my post-lunch tea and sat near the back (where the free WiFi overrides the Bell Hot Spot) and started to catch up on my podcasts. I look down and spy a couple pieces of paper with silvery ribbons across them. What the…?

I pick them up. They’re two cheques made out to “Cash” totaling $2200.

For the briefest of moments I feel a rush similar to finding someone’s credit card. That feeling of moral abandon where you think you could possibly get away with being bad. But that passed quickly and I took the cheques to the counter to be (hopefully) claimed by whoever dropped them.

Or I’ve just paid for that poor assed baristsa’s vacation to the Caymans.

Lemmie See

iPhone, Personal Bits

I don’t make a habit of writing about co-workers but I feel I need to share this as that it involves (roll eyes) my iPhone:

A co-worker (lets call him Brunty) a few days ago saw my iPhone on my desk and asked me a couple questions about it. Yesterday it was like a floodgate opened and he was bombarding me with emails. Of course, I’m in heaven talking about it and answering all his questions about how I did it, where I get resources, etc. At lunch, Brunty comes into my cube and says, “Let’s see the phone.”

No “hello!” No “Mother May I…?” Just straight out “Let’s see the phone.”

I blink. “Can I see your phone?”

He reaches for his hip.

“No, you don’t understand. This phone is like a Blackberry: it has a lot of personal information on it now.” I demonstrate by turning it on to this welcome screen picture:

Pedestrian Wiener, originally uploaded by deadrobot.

I’m kind of freaked at his lack of concern for privacy. Especially when he works in IT…

What A Year That Was!

Personal Bits, Queer stuff

I love you very much SharkBoy! I can’t begin to tell you how much the time we spend together means to me. These pictures aren’t in any particular order (hell some fall outside our year married together) but they prove to everyone that you’re fun, sexy, smart, wicked and one hell of a husband.















Not My Grandfather’s Son

Personal Bits

Pi ApartmentMy Da called the other day to announce a friend of his was getting rid of his G5 Mac Tower, would I be interested?

Deep inside me, somewhere near the core of my soul, right next to revulsions and unexplainable desire, a strand of my persona twanged as if a horny romantic lute player strummed his instrument to get poon. Computer parts for sale? Oh? Must. Get.

I’m no collector of electronics but I know someone who has an actual server in his living room… and I am so jealous. I could easily turn my office into that apartment from the movie Pi. Untethered, I definitely would have one machine for fun, a machine for storage, a machine for music, a machine for gaming, a machine for graphics and a machine to look at porn. I keep my addiction in check, thankfully, otherwise I doubt I would be married right now.

My Da snaps me back to reality: “Are you interested?” The computer is about 2 years old. No mention of monitor or keyboard or hard drive size or RAM. Or price for that matter. The lute player strums harder. Hell yeah, I’m interested!

Hell ya! But then suddenly I remember my grandfather. When he left this mortal coil, the family was charged with emptying out his 4 car garage, which was full to the rafters not with cars (I think there was only two cars in it), but with …stuff. Grandfather was an A-List pack rat and had no control over his hoarding. No one to say “Put that back!” Sure Grandmother would say the odd remark about the garage, but she really had no dominance over his addiction. The family decided to have a huge garage sale on the front lawn of the house and in the process of bringing stuff out, they found 14 gas powered lawn mowers. Fourteen. One Four. Da said that maybe two worked. Tops. I was living in England at the time and I saw pictures of the hoard – quality stuff like an intact moose head, barely moth eaten and a top had that would have made Taco cry. In addition to the vault of stuff, they found that grandfather had opened up several bank accounts just to get the free toasters/kettles/appliances. Not to sure how many accounts he had in the Greater Toronto, but there were many appliances. And most were in the garage.

Was I interested? Hell.. yeah?

My thoughts go to my Da himself. A while back he had so much artwork on his walls his condo rivaled The Louvre. In his retired travels he dragged art back from Mexico, China and other parts of the world. He’s since reformed but he does have one piece of art hanging beneath a window sill. Yes, beneath, below the line of sight just because, well… there was a big blank wall spot, I guess. I often wonder if there is another apartment in his name in the city somewhere, full of Dawn Snells, David Hockey prints and Toller Cranston limited editions, to be discovered posthumously, via an unmarked key left in a shoe box under his bed. Currently, he volunteers at the Gardiner Museum of Ceramics’ gift shop and slowly, slowly, his condo is filling up with bowls, cups, nick-nacks and most recently, a $2500 statue that was busted in storage and given to him by the manager. I can hear the ghost of his father coo into his ear: “‘It is still gooooood! Glue the haaaaand back on!”

Then I think of the storage locker I have down the street. Five 60L Rubbermaid containers that hold 30 or so pieces of mouth blown glass. One 90L Rubbermaid that holds approximately $1000 in robot toys. A milk crate of British import records.

“Uh. No thanks,” I conceded. The horny lute player cries.


Personal Bits

I was on a mission last week of finding Cretons for Sharkboy. For those of you who don’t know, cretons is a rough pate of pork butt boiled in milk and mushed together with delicyushs shcpices. More here at Wikipedia.

Anyhoo, I started out by Googling “Toronto”, “Quebec”, “Deli”, “cretons” etc. One place kept on popping up: Mel’s Montreal Deli on Bloor. I tell Sharkboy a small white lie and pay them a visit after work one night.

I walked into Mel’s all happy that I was going to bring Sharkboy a gift of tasty home memories. Visions of us waking on a sunny Sunday morning and running to the kitchen, madly spreading the delichisoucsh meat product across our warm toast and smothering it with mustard as Coronation Street plays out it’s drama on TV in front of us…

Cue “needle across record” sound effect.

Dirty. Empty. More “sit down restaurant” than “deli”. There is a refrigerated display near the back and I start towards it. It holds cans (Cans? Who refrigerates cans?) and other non-deli like product. I’m interrupted by a loud “You looking for take out?”

The waitress hasn’t even got up out of her seat to greet me, today’s paper spread out in front of her.

I ask if they serve cretons and get a “What?” in response. I explain what they are and she smiles wide and says she’s never heard of them.

“Your site says you do. It’s a Quebecois breakfast delicacy. They even serve it at Tim Hortons in Quebec,” I inform her. I’m tempted to go all John Cleese on her and say “Your sign does say ‘Montreal’ on it. Have you ever been to Montreal? I suspect that this ‘shop’ isn’t a ‘deli’ as you might define it, but more of a ‘doody’.” I could go on, you get the gist.

I leave. I visited 3 other delis (proper) and got pretty much the same reaction (except for one place who insisted that her croûtons were cretons). The closest I came was a butcher on Church Street who use to sell them but nobody was purchasing milk-boiled pig bum.

To end this story on a happy note, we did find cretons at the St Lawrence Market at a stall on the main floor, south east centre (I didn’t catch the name). The heat-print label stated: CRETONS – QUEBEC – UNSPECIFIED.

That Sunday we recreated my breakfast fantasy, tears welling up in Sharkboy’s eyes as we gleefully swallowed lactate-boiled pig pooper.

(Thanks to Lex for putting a shout out on her site and Facelessbook.)

Inked Again

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Finally, after 5+ years of having a poor lonely robot on my back with no frame of reference or any kind of ‘story’ to it…

old tat with rays
(Ix the Robot with preliminary designs in marker – click all to enlarge!)

…I took my book of Sci Fi pulp fiction covers into King of Fools tattoo to let Ronan sketch out a cover…


for a relatively large back piece.

inked up no colour

Originally the Spaceman was suppose to be firing upon the robot but Ronan switched it out so it looks like he’s protecting him, which I think works a lot better.

more detail

Love the detail. The “flames” coming off the robot will be blended into the dark navy blue background of space. Can’t wait for the colour to be added in 4 weeks (sooner if he gets a cancellation!)