Category Archives: Hobbies

When my butt isn’t in this chair…

Tattoo Moi

Celebs and Media, Distractions, Hobbies, Personal Bits

On this week’s Miami Ink, Garver was taking instruction from a “Vampire” girl for her new leg tattoo. Her augmented goth appearance (fang implants on her teeth, black push up bodice, fishnet tights, red stripes in her hair, confession of blood lust to the camera) obviously surpassed her knowledge of Vampires:

Vampire girl: I want her to be a vampire but like a pin up girl looking at herself in a mirror–

Garver: But… if she’s a vampire… she won’t have a reflection…?

Vampire girl: Oh yeah…

This Saturday I have a consultation with Sick Side Chino at King of Fools Tattoo to revamp my floaty, nothing to it robot tattoo. How excited am I?

A Year Ago Today


…I was eager to get up to the campground.

Now I’m not so eager.

The partying late into the night, the inconsiderate drunks, the tire slashing, the bitchy comments sunk squarely and deeply into everyone’s back that thrive in a trailer park, the spiders, the non-recognition for cleaning the pool every morning*, the bitchy comments about how we “voluntarily” cleaned the pool every morning… all can go stuff themselves this year. Actually, I’m not bitter about the actual place, it is quite beautiful. It seemed a handful of people and their attitudes spoiled last year’s mood for me.

So, we’re not seasonals this year.

We cancelled our site mid-winter after a long talk about this summer and what we want to do. After a while into the conversation, we realized that the campground had no place in our plans, emotionally or financially. So we’ve returned our site back to the list and this weekend, are going up to sell the shed and bring home the personal stuff.

*We were compensated by the owners for our summer of pool-boyism, by way of a next year discount!

My First Ever Audition

Hobbies, Improv/Comedy

The gig? A 30 second MTV promo spot, filmed as if 12-13 people are interviewed in the street, rambling on about random topics. That’s about as much as I got.

I entered the Masonic Temple at noon and was herded into the main stairwell with 20-30 other people. Including myself, there were about 2 other people over 35. Everyone else was young or made up young, fresh from an emergency “GOD I NEED THIS FOR MY AUDITION!� shopping trip to H&M.

Did I feel old?

A bit.

Thing is, I had nothing to lose. I already had a job. This is a hobby.

As I waited, hungry actors mouthed the words from the sheet the AD handed out. Random lines like “Yeah. Fucking awesome! Bob Dylan was the best!� or “I just signed a contract!� or “This country is run like a Canadian Movie of the Week! Go read the news!� (my personal fave, more later). Even though the AD said “just be yourself� (confirmed by people offering hints as they left the audition room), the hardcore actors still practiced their lines.

There was one guy dressed in a light blue dress shirt that was beyond form fitting, his buttons were straining to stay in place like a fat drag queen who found the last small D&G frock at discount prices at Winners. When this guy got up for his digital head shot, his back revealed that someone must have pinned that shirt right down the yolk in the back to make it LOOK that way. For whatever reason, I don’t know. I wonder if he felt like a dolt when the AD said that the audition had nothing to do with how you looked…

There was the nervous girl so freaked out that she thought she might have hypothermia just from walking from the subway a block away. Her leg was bouncing a mile a minute. She punctuated everything with a “Really? Hahahah!�

There was the calm guy, reading a mythology book. Cool as a cucumber.

There was the over-confident guy who revealed all to us what the director wanted when he came out. Then again, I thought, he might be doing that to throw us off the audition!

Then there was me. All smiles and goofy eyes.

The audition room held three people sitting around a big board room table. I stood at one end and delivered the 12 lines. Normally, I thought. I think I channeled my brother at one point by putting my hand to my neck. I remember him doing that move during one of his plays. I know I tanked a couple. How do you deliver “Vanilla ice cream IS the best! Everyone in the world knows it!� with the words “Punk eating out of a can� in parentheses after that. Was that stage direction?

They asked me to reread the lines I liked. I did.

They asked me to reread the same lines but ad lib if I wanted. That’s when I spewed that aforementioned line like this in my best frantic guy way:

“This fucking country is run like a bad Canadian tax write off movie of the week. What is this?! Stargate SG-1!? Go read a fucking paper!�

Yeah I chewed scenery.

Did I get it? I don’t know. I was in there longer than some, shorter than others. Who can say? I did wonder as I left the room about my brother and how he dealt with this kind of uncertainty. Did he ever turn to the director and plead for a second chance? Did he leave angry? At himself?

I’ll keep you posted if any news comes to me.

Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk

Hobbies, Improv/Comedy

What an action packed weekend I had.

It’s another world here
The streets are gleaming
I was even dreaming
That they’re paved with gold

Friday, I was on stage at the Bad Dog Theatre and had a great time, although I have to admit that my class with Bruce Hunter has sent my head into a bit of a spin. I think I’m over-thinking stuff when I’m on stage. I didn’t attempt one “character” while up on stage on Friday. By which I mean any funny accents or kind of nervous tics to enhance my choices: I pretty much played the night straight. I managed to get a couple good moments in but nothing notable, made obvious by the after-show notes from the MC, who didn’t mention any particular moments of mine from the show. Certainly I was more “in the moment” while on stage, but I was hesitant and thoughtful while in scenes which resulted in me being dissatisfied with my performance. Gotta find that balance…

Saturday, Photog Bill called us and asked if we wanted free tickets to “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District” at the COC. This was my first opera ever and I was completely engaged the entire 3 hours of this Soviet Era comment on infidelity, bureaucracy and punishment. The actual show was the final dress rehearsal which was played to a packed house, so I think they’re going to have a great run. We were informed by a rather patronizing announcement at the beginning of the show, that we may encounter some technical glitches (only one – Curtain came down lurchy goosey at the end of Act I) and that we should just remain quiet while the problem was solved. Meanwhile, LMMD has two entr’acte which (the first with music) as the lurchy curtain lowered, the conductor bellowed to the crowd “CAN WE HAVE QUIET IN THE HOUSE – PLEASE!” So I’m unsure if we were being scolded for not being quiet after a technical glitch or we were suppose to be quiet during these “pauses”. Despite all this, I would recommend going to see it. Yes it’s Russian opera with a plot so slow you could get a hair cut at the beginning and end, but the ensemble pieces are so powerful your heart leaps from it’s cavity when they belt out that first note, comrade!

While you pretend not to notice
All the years we’ve been here
We’re the bums you step over
As you leave the Theatre

The COC Opera House itself is pretty amazing, considering they had to cut back during the build. The generous wood and glass accents make the experience more warm, considering you have magnificent views looking out over University Avenue, of the homeless sleeping over steaming grates.

Photog Bill, if you have tix again, please think of us again! I’ll carry your bassoon!

Black Hole VS Event Horizon


I dug this gem out of my old hard drive from my original blog. Oh the memories…

The Black Hole Event Horizon
Based on another movie called 20000 Leagues Under the Sea (also by Disney. I guess they were low on scripts in the 70s). Its a story of a madman wanting to breech the event horizon of a black hole. Based on another movie called Hellraiser. Its a story of a madman bringing a black hole onto the Event Horizon
Black Hole - Creepy Ship Event Horizon - Ghost Ship
Creepy Ghost Ship Creepy Ship of Ghosts
Black Hole - Tossed to Space Event Horizon - Tossed To Space
A character is tossed into space by an explosion and is returned by mechanical bad actor A character is tossed into space by an explosion and is returned by mechanics
Black Hole - Survive No Air Event Horizon - Survive No Air
Some worrying physics here. Our heroes encounter a big hole in the ship with no explosive decompression or even a hint of being flung out into space (or “sucked” as Data would say). Howdeydodat? Same deal on the Event Horizon. Window pops open…no explosive decompression. They must have some serious structural mechanics.
Black Hole - Bad Acting Event Horizon - Bad Acting
Oh so bad acting. Do I have to repeat myself?
Black Hole - No Eyes Event Horizon - No Eyes
Creepy eyes, eh? “Where we’re going…we won’t need eyes to see.”
Black Hole - Tech Is Bad Event Horizon - Tech Is Bad
There are so many technical glitches in BH I would waste your bandwidth showing them to you…but here’s a gem: One of the characters lab coat is pinned to his knee so when he “floats” in zero g, it doesnt give away which way is really up. Of course nowadays, editors and directors are super sensitive to little glitches like that and its mostly continuity that screws up. Here we see computer enhanced all-over eye contacts. My point? None really, other than this scene is a total rip off from Dallas’ airduct hunt from Alien
Black Hole - Save Me from Myself Even
In a bizzare moment, our villian leans in close and whispers “save me from Maximilian.” The evil robot is an obvious extension of his evil self, created by his own hand. Its the only moment in the whole movie we feel for our villian. Just before the evil ship starts to kill off the crew, our hero has his last humanistic moment where the ship he created shows him his wife’s suicide. Which dips him into madness.
Black Hole - Old Tyme Religion Event Horizon - Old Tyme Religion2
Theres a ton of religious references in BH but none so obvious as the one at the end. Our villian gets entombed in his evil robot henchman’s casing and spends eternity in hell. Or Canada’s Wonderland’s Ghoster Coaster ride. Not sure… The religion isn’t so obvious in EH, but you do have ghosts speaking Latin! How Exorcist!
Black Hole - Old Tyme Religion Event Horizon - Old Tyme Religion
Disney loved that old time religion. Lovely halo, no? Ok so this pic is more a ripoff from Hellraiser but the arches in the back and the splayed Christ-like figure just screams “Hey Peter, I can see your house from here”.
Black Hole - End of Career Event Horizon - End of Career
An actor at the end of his career, trying desperately not to be compared to his past roles. An actor at the end of his career, trying desperately not to be compared to his past roles.
Black Hole - Character Switch Event Horizon - Character Switch
This character, who was on the good guys team, puts his own desires before the crew and does a 180 degree character turnabout. He steals the ship and gets killed for it. Comeuppance! This character, who was on the good guys team, has his desires shown to him and he goes mad, making him into the villian, making this a 180 degree turn in his character. He tears his eyes out. Comeuppance!
Black Hole - Bizzare Humming Engines Event Horizon - Bizzare Humming Engines
Bizzare humming engine. Bizzare humming engine.
Black Hole - Bad Hair Event Horizon - Bad Hair
“We’re out of money” Shot: This is too easy. Tinfoil? Baked potato anyone? “We’re out of money” Shot: This one aint so easy…Notice the crewman’s shirt – specifically the light area around the lettering. Does the army really print out your crew info on inkjet iron-on transfers?
Black Hole - Crap Ending Event Horizon - Crap Ending
Crap ending. Crap ending.

Histeria Lane


I got my copy of Desperate Housewives Teh Game from Photojunkie today (a million thanks!) and loaded it into my machine.

Wow. My machine sucks! It chugged a few times and when I went to get this screen grab…
Dinner at Wisteria Lane crashed my machine.

And Bree sounds like a teacher on methadone.

But it’s fun to cook for your man. As you can see, Winkie Freszbotoum is enjoying a dinner with her man, Gayerston.

Children of Men – a 13 Second Review


Hey kids! Shelly here!

Wow. Simply wow. Well paced, great characters, great story. Go see this movie. It was a great way to start out 2007 movie reviews.

CoM is what a dystopia-themed movie set in England is suppose to look like: dirty, crowded, sad long faces amongst the gray of Tottenham Court Road, jack-booted police waving electroshock wands and “Report Them!” video announcements in grotty public transport. Toss in a sprinkle of speculative new technology and the whole thing looks plausible. Take note, V for Vendetta art department. Without the grime and rust, you just don’t get a sense of human despair. All the while, this movie never talked down to you about why the world has become infertile, it just mixed hope and dread so well that it was like a water gun fight on a hot summer’s day.

At one point I thought to myself: Hey! I’m liking Michael Cane’s performance here! And if you can get me pass that feeling midway through the movie, then the movie is doing a great job. Then they shot him. Damn it!

I give this one 4.75 shells out of 5.

And if you land lubbers want to walk down memory lane (as you’re wont to do at the end of a year), here is a quick link to my reviews over 2006. Enjoy!

The Panty Game

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Sponge Bob PantiesIt’s been going on for about 6 months now. It’s nothing new, really. I’ve heard of couples doing this sort of game for years on end. Or variations on the theme:

Hide the Spongebob panties on/in/under each other’s stuff.

I just now pulled the lime green offensive things (unworn, thankfully) out of my rucksack. At the office. The two women in my cube just saw it and I had to explain myself. Why I had panties. At work.

It’s been restricted to being hidden on/in/under the personal belongings in the bedroom but lately we’ve branched out: I had hid them in his luggage for the cruise, in hopes that Customs would pull them out during some random inspection. He has stuffed them into at least every shoe I own – at the campground. He’s put his head on them a couple times when he’s gone to bed. Now I think I’m going to put them in the freezer or inside the shower head.

Oh yes. This is still on, motherfoosher!