Category Archives: Hobbies

When my butt isn’t in this chair…

Comedy On the Danforth, And Other Bits

Hobbies, Toronto

My improv instructor, Gord Oxley as well as other intrepid souls, will be braving the savage crowds at Timothys Coffee (by the Carrot Common on the Danforth) Friday night, 9pm. It’s “pay what you can” so that means bring a dollar.

On odd Friday nights (starting this St Paddy’s day) Gord’s troup The Wrecking Crew perform. On evens, its Better Than Nothing (you might recognize Angela as the woman who yells “Arriba!” to the pidgeon in the courier commercials a few months back).

Also, one of the Bad Dog Theatre alumni posted this movie a while back. Jedi Breakfast. 

Who knew this sort of thing was going on?



Improv has a tendency to dreg up weird flashes of memory in the heat of a scene. Last night our intrepid leader had us in a circle “Getting Gifts�, an offer acceptance exercise. It goes like this: you turn to the person beside you and without description, offer a mimed object of indeterminate shape/substance. The receiver is able to interpret the gift however they choose (usually from how you are holding your hands) and describe the object. As a twist on this scene, the giver has become your Grandma, the sweetest kindest woman who ever lived and you love to the ends of the earth. The gift she gave you was the most disgusting thing you have ever got. Now go.

Instantly I am reminded of the nylon-y, contrast stitched vest my Grandmother made for me when I was a teen. At least I think it was nylon. I know it was slick and thick. Vinyl? I know it was a shiny green with a white, ¼� stitch over the pockets. I wore it once to school to much ballyhoo. It stayed in my closet until we moved from that house.

The woman beside me (a semi-pro comedian) had glazed over. We made eye contact and shared a moment. “God Awful Grannie Gifts!� she whispered to me and we burst out laughing.

Improv also seems to be seeping into my day to day. Just now, behind me, the HR and Marketing manager (who I am familiar with and are familiar with my sense of humour) were discussing the woman waiting in the boardroom for an interview. HR lady was listing the candidate’s good points and I nearly said “Does she have big boobs?”

It’s like that final scene in Altered States, I swear.

New Found Media

Hobbies, Robots

Some of you might have seen this stuff before but what the foosh, eh? Here are some videos I made in New Media School that show of my 733T skilz…

Andrew was my first ever experiment with drag n drop video/sound mixing

Rent a Life is my first and only Blue Screened experience

Deadrobot and Robot are a couple camera sweeps over my ever faithful mascot. I love how his aerial dot stays in place…

The Cumberland 4 – The Worst Movie Theatre in Toronto

Hobbies, Toronto

…and I’ll tell you why.

In the days when the last of the large cinemas were deemed money black holes (bye bye Uptown!), the Cumberland should have been the first to be taken out to a secluded field and glocked in the temple.

The Cumberland’s sound system has the worst sound leakage of any theatre in Toronto. You can hear the Alliance Atlantis promo from adjacent theatres during moderately quiet moments. While Brokeback Mountain was far too quiet for us to understand what Ennis was mumbling, Caché was so loud at times we were pushed back into our seats harder than that poor Memorex ad guy. Apparently the heating is erratic because there are Canadian Tire baseboard plug-in heaters in the aisles (is an electric appliance sitting in a fire route a bad thing?) but the night we went, the room was somewhat warm, making me doze off. And finally, the crowd that goes there, while seemingly more educated than say… oh… a Scarborough multiplex movie viewer, are exceedingly thoughtless and self centred.

At our viewing of Caché, in our row, there was as a woman holding 5 seats in the centre of the aisle. No problem. Three times people pushed past us without asking if the seats were taken only to discover that they had to push back to get out. That wasn’t so bad. When a woman pushed past me and knocked the top of my popcorn bag into my face with her purse I judged that to be pretty bad. No apology. If you’ve been to the movies with me, you know I love extra flavour powder. Sharkboy turns to sit down and looks at me, covered in faux cheese powder from forehead to nipples and takes a kernel from his bag and sops some powder off my shoulder and laughs.

Later, the one of the two women who came in behind us decides it’s snack time. Up she jumps and hits me in the back of the head with her purse. No apology. She did the same thing at the end of the movie too. This time I got a hand on my shoulder and a “Oh sorry, dear” in my ear. Better late than NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.

Finally, I have never been in a theatre where 1/3rd of the audience arrives at least 10 minutes into the film. We’re talking past the opening credits here, people. Not during the ads but during establishing shots. Parking SUVs in the area must be a darned pain.
I guess I am expecting more sophistication from a theatre that shows fine art slides instead of ads before the show. But I know better now. Never again will I go near the Cumberland unless it’s to see bulldozers raze that hell hole flat.

It’s not a Boat…

Hobbies, Personal Bits
The explorer

Take a look, bitches! It’s The Explorer, the ship that Sharkboy, The Busdriver, CharoletteMan, Wolfy and I are going on the first weekend of December! It’s bigger than the last ship we went on! I. Can’t. Friggin. Wait.

You’re all welcome to come too. Just msg me and we’ll talk about cheap staterooms.

And it’s the First. You know what that means… NEW SLOPPYJOE VIDEOS!!!

When you’re done there, Acidreflex posted this video which is just bloody weird and hee lar ee yous!

Day of the Robots

Hobbies, Robots

My American cousin sends hope of robot parking garages.

Boing Boing posts an amazing showreel of robots policing work for South Africans (yeah the same guy who did the Thriller dancing car, but go past that. Wicked cool). And a new addition from the same guy – TempBot (Keep an eye peeled for Wonder Woman!).

Sony makes Qiro and Aibo fall upon their swords (better article on the whole “death of the robot age” from the Beeb), but promises to continue research. Meanwhile, Beck hires Qiro to work in the entertainment industry (Flash site. Ugh. Choose “Video” and “Hell Yes”). There’s always that lummox, Asimo.

Andrew will love this. Having to interact with one would smack of a jarring scene from a William Gibson book.

Patlabor is one step closer to becoming reality.

And I noticed that Robosapien 2.0 has better hands and more farting options than his predecessor.

The Fog…


“Will I be beautiful when the bandages come off?”

“Like a pretty butterfly. Now don’t move your head.”

“Tell me doctor, what do you say to your patients who fall in love with you?”

“Why you little flirt~”


“Good lord! Don’t move your head!”

I’m back, such that it is. If any of you know how to transport b2evolution databases into WP, please get in contact with me and I will give you my first born. Yes, I tried the installatron script…