Category Archives: Hobbies

When my butt isn’t in this chair…

I’m Back!

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Back to Toronto after 10 days in the wilds with the friendly, neighbourly, sunburnt homo-savages at The Point. Many point form stories to relate:

Not one drop of rain fell. We arrived after the rain ended on Thursday night and from that moment on the weather was clear and warm, resulting in my half-Italian skin going as dark as a cheap cherrywood cabinet from Ikea. The nights were clear and we had amazing moon rises a few nights. We lucked out again!

The homo-savages were fun and friendly and ready with a smile and a wave. It’s such a different vibe to any kind of community I have ever lived in. Everyone shares: bottle openers, candles, bug spray, boyfriends, information about boyfriends, boyfriend’s tents, etc. Coming back to Toronto is always a shock since I now have to stifle a smile and not say “hello!” to every stranger on the street. I’d be locked up in seconds if I did. The campground was very busy the long weekend and the weekend after (Bear Jamboree) but extremely quiet in between, making it crazy, relaxing and then crazy again.

If you ever get the chance to party with Sloppy Joe of Sloppy Joe Video, I suggest you do. He’s fun. Serious fun. Goats are fun too. Firing crow-pecked cucumbers with a 10ft slingshot is fun. Corn mazes are fun. Small town, ultra-ameture backyard wrestling at fairgrounds is fun. Expect pictures.

I made a new friend. His name is Jack Daniels.

The stay was not without drama:

One over-stuffed Seasonal queen (she pads her skimpy white bathing suit with some sort of potato/yam) thought she could just walk into the pool on the Saturday of the busiest day of the year and get her usual loungers. Of course they were taken and she was forced to sit by the (shudder) far wall… She proceeded to wave her pretentious finger in my face accusing me of not holding back on the hordes of non-regular guests who were up hours before Miss Beauty Sleep to claim their chairs around the pool. Supposively I did this last year. What Queen Chlorine Shock didn’t realize is that another volunteer couple did that ONCE last year to much complaint, so the policy was changed to allowing people to enter the pool deck while the pool was being cleaned, they just couldn’t enter the water. I pointed this out to her with the same finger-in-the-face pointing. Within an hour, the entire campsite knew I had sassed her.

Wednesday morning we woke to find that our rear driver side tire had been slashed as well as our next door neighbour’s driver side tire. This was well before the Potato-Swimsuit Queen incident, so get that out of your mind. The investigating officer (a lovely Scottish woman with three facial peircings – ach!) used the word Hate Crime. If it was someone drunk or high from inside the park (lord knows who…) then that would be a self hate crime, I guess.

The good news was that the owners have offered us a small pop-top camper that has been abandoned for a couple years. We’re going to check it out this weekend. I bet after 3 years being sealed and under a tarp, it’s going to have some damage. How much is anyone’s guess. I hope there’s a body in it!!

In all, a fantastic summer vacation, thanks!

What have you guys been doing?

Meebo Me!


See that little widget thingy down the right hand side? Under Chat? If I’m online, we can chat. Just you and me. Nobody else can see it. Sorry no group chatting. Just you. And me.

Want me to see your screen name? If you have IM, Google Talk, AOHELL, Yahoo, ICQ or Jabber, you can log on to Meebo and we can chat from there.

Sits and waits for someone… anyone…


Ring the Bell!

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Sharkboy and I are walking up Church Street and we pass a woman outside an old office building yanking on a string that went up to a third floor window. I thought was just an old banner rope from Prides Gone By, but apparently it’s a doorbell of sorts! How very archaic!

I said, “I now know where to play ‘Nicky Nicky Nine Doors’ on Church Street.”

“What’s that?” asks Sharkboy.

“I’m sure you have a variation on this kid’s game, whatever you called it in Quebec: ring the bell, run off peeing your pants laughing.”

“Yeah, we called it ‘Ring the Bell and Run Off Peeing Our Pants Laughing.” He then went on to explain that he had a reverse game while living in Montreal. From the saftey of his apartment, he could use the two way intercom to comment on people’s attire and sexuality as they walked by. And it was all the more funnier when you messed with the masculine/femine articles. Oh those distinct society Quebecois!

I’m sure you all, my 5 or 6 readers, use to call this bell-ringing game something else?

Arthur “Two Sheds” Jackson

Hobbies, Personal Bits

half a shedActually, in our case, we’ll be called “Half Shed” (I hope some of you remember the Monty Python skit…?). Personally I’d be happy with TARDIS 0.5 or some such geeky reference.

Back in May, Sharkboy slammed his finger down on the catalogue in Canadian Tire and told the lad behind the counter to order “that one!” and lo, a few weeks later, we get “that one” but it wasn’t quite as pictured. As you can see, it looks like a photoshop chop job. Half a shed. One of the seasonals walked by as we were setting it up and yelled out “Making an outhouse?” Grrr… mumble mumble fuck off Mary mumble…

These pics are a bit late in coming due to a whizz bang week with DQ, my classes and such. I havent even done laundry in the last week. I’m down to the “I’ll never get laid in these” pair of underwear.

As you can see, the weather was less than stellar and at night there was much snuggling out of necessity, through 7 layers of clothes.

The Wall


So far my improv comedy classes at The Bad Dog have been going amazingly well. When I do a scene, I kill. I accept and offer, keeping the scene flowing. I try not to block physically or verbally. I am getting compliments on my character work. At one point last week, the instructor asked for two people to go up for a scene and I jumped up simultaneously with a veteran actor and she quietly uttered “oh good” when she saw we’d be up together. Little things that make me smile.

But last night, I discovered my improv nemesis. An aspect of improv so heinous to me that I am up against a mental block wall when I get on that stage. An improv vehicle so devastating to my confidence, I shove other weaker players into it’s gaping maw to avoid getting devoured by the moster that is miserable onstage failure. They call it “dying” in the biz. I don’t just die when I do this kind of improv. I take hostages, demand outrageous unobtainable things and then wind up falling on my sword, my comedy entrails stinking up the theatre.

Musical Improv comedy is the scourge of live theatre.

Musical Improv reduces me to a mumbly, stumbling stuttering lump. I am unable to make the simplest of rhyme or keep to a metred time. Conscequently my ability to keep the story on track resembles an epileptic on a Segway. At best I stammer about UPS drivers schtupping my wife while either of my eyes try to focus on two different points in space. I wind up shouting out meaningless tripe that sidetracks the story, blocks offers and makes me rip off my shirt and tweak out back hair in a vain attempt to rescue any kind of comedy left in the scene.

I don’t know why I fail so miserably. I think I try too hard and wind up forcing out too many ideas at once. The next morning I was singing with confidence in the shower, my usual Lithuanian Steamer lyrics inserted into pop songs. It’s not that I’m afraid of my singing voice. God knows others should be, but I’m confident that I can keep a note. Or tune.

I guess I’m just flummoxed that I have an area in improv that I need improvement.

Lots of improvement.

Our Own Little Place in the Country

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Shed Pre-Camping season officially starts this weekend with the wedding of the owners of The Point Campground (I know, the site is ooogly, I’m 1/3rd the way through redesigning it). Sharkboy and I are going up this weekend to set up the utility shed, the fire pit and scamper like happy chinchillas in the long grasses. We’re not quite ready for an Airstream or a Pop-top (but I bet Sharkboy is ready for a Top-pop – nyuck!), we’re the poorest seasonals in the park. But we have plucky attitudes and a $50 gift card to Canadian Tire to spruce up (read: make tacky) our lovely primitive, powerless, waterless site. Expect pictures to start flowing again after a winter of media-shy posting.

Ah me. Do you remember Stumbalina? He’s going to be replaced by Punchy The Dancer, the guy who stands legs akimbo on the dance floor and air boxes to diva queen music. I’ll try to get video.

The Gym Report, April 2006

Hobbies, Toronto

Hello and welcome! Tonight’s top stories:

Dress to Impress
Mr Breaky Still Rampant
The Tell Tale Staff
Toller Cranston Cybex
Daddy’s Little Bird

Dress to Impress
It seems that Mr Blackwell hasn’t done a stint at the Downtown Y to see all the worst dressed fitness freaks, but I will do nicely. Notice the woman of library matronly manner, wearing a knitted baby blue sweater replete with crocheted roses in a lovely arch across her bosom, scruntching oh so fashionly as she does her seated Lat Pulls. See the lovely streetwear boots revealed as her slacks (yes slacks, not sweatpants for this fashion plate) ride up over her ankles as she straddles the cycling equipment. Daring! Darling!

Mr Breaky Still Rampant
Dispite larger signs in the sauna proclaiming the demise of the heating unit if one was to put “water on the rocks” Mr Breaky still douses the rocks with a wet towel he steals out of the used towel bin (ew. simply ew) and soaks in the showers before his sauna visits. I realize that I may be obsessing with Mr Breaky but his fate as possibly the most hated person I have never confronted was sealed when, while discussing his up coming property taxes assesment to whoever would listen to him in the sauna, he unjokingly said “There’s something unethical about paying taxes”. Recently I’ve spied him shaving in the sauna too, the “no Shaving” proudly ignored on the sauna door. This man is a blight. Have I complained? You bet! Which leads us into…

The Tell Tale Staff
See the porky man over there on the treadmill? The guy on the ‘mill that’s raised to maximum incline and jacked up to Olympic gold medal sprint speeds? Yeah the man who is hanging on for dear life and is on such a worrysome angle that my inner voice screams “LAWSUIT IN THE MAKING”. I wonder why he thinks that if he’s running real fast, yet cheating by gripping the loosening control panel, it’s good for him, at any costs. Along comes a Red Shirt Y staff to scold him! Oh wait, no. The Red Shirt is scolding the other visibly healthy guy running at a controlled speed because he’s making a loudish noise the way his feet are hitting the treadmill. And spy the woman on the Eliptical machine, chugging along like she’s in a K-hole filled with molasses! Wow she’s certainly working out. Oh wait. She deliberately didn’t turn on the machine because she wanted the resistance. Wow. That’s edgy! So is replacing a stripped, slipping Eliptical machine motor, ruined by misuse. Why aren’t the staff doing anything about this? They certainly have time since they congregate over by the water fountain 90% of the time.

Toller Cranston Cybex
Maybe the ever dilligent staff will take better care of the new machines they rolled in as I was leaving today. Judging by the life sized poster of a rather bouffant-haired “hunk” in light blue spandex (not even sexually confused metrosexuals wear light blue spandex), we’re getting the latest in faux-reality based exercising. Rollerblading machines! It’s so Phillip K Dick, I’m dreaming of exercising!

Daddy’s Little Bird
Hey buddy! I’m sorry your wife isn’t here to help you look after your 3 year old daughter as you work out. Now I don’t care that you walk around naked in front of your kids at home. Good on ya! That’ll learn them to not hate their bodies so much. Maybe your kids will grow up to accept themselves as beautiful machines, not like the guys who insist on wearing their underwear in the showers (I didn’t need to see your skiddies, shyboy), but you know what? I really don’t want to be included in your social studies experiment. Get your fucking daughter out of the showers. Don’t bring her, put her in the individual private stalls or take her home stinky. Thanks!

This has been The Gym Report. Good night and good sweating!