Found another postbear hidden prize…
This one was hidden way up high in my dusty old sketchbooks – a metal and plastic STORM tin with a sucker mounted compass inside.
Thank you postbear, we’ll use it every day!
Found another postbear hidden prize…
This one was hidden way up high in my dusty old sketchbooks – a metal and plastic STORM tin with a sucker mounted compass inside.
Thank you postbear, we’ll use it every day!
I’m trying out a new online photo service that seems more arty farty than Flickr is chatty.
The initial interface is clean, uncluttered and easy to read. There are Facebook-style blog options as well as trendy status updates. So far, colour me impressed:
Dance, dance, revolution by Ted Healey |
I’m getting my morning coffee at Starbucks with my camera bag slung over my shoulder. On the strap are two badges I got from my last trip to Disney. One is the Boba Fett “logo” that I was going to give to Sean but after learning he already had it, I deemed it cool too and slapped it on my camera bag.
The other is a faux safety pin holding a Grape Soda bottle top. The Disney/Pixar savvy will recognize it as the pin Carl wears in the movie “Up”, given to him by his first and only love. Start the waterworks, kids.
I’m interrupting this story here to share with you a Disney Wow Moment: While wandering the parks my pins were flying off my camera strap due to the little plastic clasps not holding onto the pin. When I slid my strap to take a picture, the Mickey-shaped backing would fly off and the pin would poke me in the chest. At one point I lost the backing entirely so I went to the nearest pin trading post and asked a Cast Memeber if she had any for sale. She offered to replace it for free, in a heartbeat. I laughed and said “This park will NEVER make any money with that attitude.” We talked about my problem and she suggested their Ikea-like solution: they sell a brass lug nut kind of system that tightens with an Allen Key onto the pin stem. Problem solved! I can whip my bag around without fear! And again, Disney wins over an already happy customer.
Anyway, so I’m waiting in line with these pins on my bag and the Barista spies my bag and says slowly: “Grrrraaaape. Sooooda…?” Obviously asking without asking.
“From the movie Up? It’s the pin…” I start.
“Oh I love that movie!” She exclaims. Then her face darkens. “Oh. That pin will make me cry…”
My job here is done.
I’ve found a new fetish: There’s nothing I love more than capturing the range of emotions people display on rollercoasters.
I’ve made a whole set of Screamers pics over on my Flickr account.
We walked a lot this weekend. Seriously a lot. Since we’re 2 months away from a big California trip we’re homebodies this long weekend and walked everywhere.
On Saturday we got up early and grabbed some coffee/tea and hoofed it from Cabbagetown to Henry’s camera to Silver Snail to a couple construction shops (looking for helmet inserts for our trooper buckets) to Mountain Equipment Co-op to the Bell Lightbox for a big screen viewing of Swiss Family Robinson. I totally forgot how much of a drag queen the South East Asian pirate was. Also if you look hard you will notice that the shirtless Second in Command of the pirates has had Asia eye prosthetics added. Why? Who can say. Something Disney took to his grave. Still it was wicked awesome to see it on a big screen again, like when I was a little turnip! Can’t wait for 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea in two weeks time!
It was also wicked awesome to see little kids stream out of that theater into a lobby full of gay/lesbian/bi sexual health pamphlets! Ha! As we were leaving the Inside Out Movie festival was in full swing so there’s a nightmare for you conservatives.
One odd thing happened at Silver Snail: As I was geeking out in front of their wall of action figures a woman of about 50ish was trying to get the counter clerk’s attention so she could get some help. Obviously she was in a rush (or the store creeped her out) and she needed to get a boxed figure down from the top shelf.
“I can get it,” I offered, “I have spider monkey arms.”
It was a bobble head of The Destroyer from the movie Thor. “This is from Thor, right? Is there anything else more Thor-like?”
“Yes,” I say “No,” I respond.
“Who is he?”
“You haven’t seen the movie?”
She makes a face that says “Come on…”
“It’s the protector of Thor’s arsenal.” And snicker inside my head because I just said “Protect Thor’s Arse”. I’m also pretty proud of myself that I was able to not utterly go off on a geek soaked tangent of who this character was, EVEN THOUGH I’ve barely read any Thor comics.
She thanks me and runs to the cash. Nothing like a well thought out present.
Back on track: after the movie I ran home and bagged up my (ahem, Rannie) SANDtrooper armor and rushed off to the Gladstone for a impromptu photoshoot. Rannie runs a party called #Tweetgasm at the Gladdy where twitterers meet up IRL. LOL! Anyway, he needed shots of pink people for the next party because the theme is #PrettyInPink Happy to say if you click that link you’ll see me in all pinky!
And here is an outtake from the shoot. The knees and legs on a trooper suit make it near impossible to bend to 90 degrees. Getting on the bed was a chore.
Anyway it was fun being treated like America’s Next Top Model and having impart a lot of Star Wars trivia with a group of women who just wanted a sexy Trooper pose.
Sunday and Monday – we walked. Around. And took pictures:
We also went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, which wasn’t awful, a hell of a lot better than 2 & 3 combined and quite enjoyable for a pirate movie.
So Pirates in, Pirates out for this weekend. I hope yours was fabbooo!
*Yeah it’s safe to say I’ve quit the 64 question challenge. It gave me mono.