Or the beatings will continue.
Seriously, I don’t want this place to be a downer. That last post will be the last emotionally charged one for a while. Promise.
Here’s a joke: SharkBoy’s underpants. HAHAHA!!
Or the beatings will continue.
Seriously, I don’t want this place to be a downer. That last post will be the last emotionally charged one for a while. Promise.
Here’s a joke: SharkBoy’s underpants. HAHAHA!!
…I’d love to be in the front cockpit of the Pink monorail pulling into Magic Kingdom.
…I’d love to be at home (despite the non A/C’d apartment) playing with my PS3.
…I’d love to be on my bike, down by the lakeshore.
…I’d love to be setting up an iPad I had just bought (I don’t have one yet… soon soon soon).
…I’d love to be in a smart cafe in SoHo, London.
…I’d love to be in line for the Norway ride, EPCOT.
…I’d love to see/hold/coo over my new nieces.
…I’d love to be sewing a fun felt t-shirt.
…I’d love to be taking iPhone 4 product lessons.
…I’d love to be on the deck of Disney’s Dream.
…I’d love to be exhausted on a bench at Animal Kingdom. Preferably somewhere in the Asia pavilion
…I’d love to have a laser gun. Pew pew!
Right now… I’m making web forms. Zzzz.
The summer breeze that blows up my shorts and across my face is refreshing. I’m in the shade of a big 7ft canvas umbrella on our company’s top floor patio.
What is that smell? I swear it’s like onion corn chips. Should I be hungry by it? Why can’t I focus on this book? I thought In Secret Service would be cool to read. I mean who wouldn’t want to read about a cross over non/fictional with Sir Ian Flemming revealing MI5 and MI6 secrets? I think it was the death of “a popular person” in a Paris tunnel in 1997. I am glad I’m not reading The Passage anymore. Not that I didn’t like it – 1000% the opposite. I LOVED it – it’s just 700+ pages huge in hard cover, a burden to lug around. It was like reading a remix/reimaging of The Stand but without the StevenKingy melodrama. I love post-apocalyptic books – I think it’s because it would be cool to scavenge for food while I lived on the top floor of the Sutton Place Hotel, safe from the nightly vampyres. Or zombies. I hope he writes more. He certainly left it open for at least 11 more books. Is that smell a deep rich cheese?
I look up from my book. The breeze makes the canvas flap on the umbrella like a lazy moray eel.
What was that? And that smell keeps on coming and going. I’m glad I’m only working a couple nights a week now. More time to get things done. Note to self, must get artist’s profile page templates done for ArtWithHeart.ca and let them know they’re ready for proof. Is that a hint of sour cream I smell?
The pole to the umbrella spins a bit in its weighted base.
I’m so square. Like, not nerdy cool square. When I was doing greeting at the Apple store, I overheard two guys talking about their mutual friend saying rather disgustedly that he was wearing “Old Navy” from head to toe. I wear Old Navy from head to toe. I couldn’t be more squarer if I had dissident students and tanks living in my chest hair. I’m drinking fucking Crystal Light at my desk job, for godssake. I wonder why my 30s raced by me so fast. I’m literally half way through my life, if I had been taking care of myself as a kid. I wonder if I’ll become famous. Is that smell …onion and cheese?
In the wind, the umbrella rises slowly at first, then faster, the pole leaving its moorings.
Holy fuck! And that smell!
I reach out for the umbrella pole and grab it with less than 2 ft left before releasing itself from the table hole. I’m struggling with the whole thing wanting to fly away in the breeze when a second pair of hands shoot past my shoulder. A co-worker had seen the umbrella rise up and came to my aid.
Dude! Thanks!
We wrestle the umbrella back into it’s base. As the bottom of the pole hits the base, a splash of rusty red gunk splashes up and hits my glasses, forehead, shirt. I feel the warm rustwater slide down my head, my cheek like fresh blood.
Christ! What the fuck!? Ugh! Is that where the smell was coming from?!
I fold the umbrella up and head into the office loo to clean the rust from my face. As I pass the good samaratan co-worker, I notice his shoes are off. It is the source of the onion, cheese, warm ham smell. I gag slightly.
I’m standing with a co-worker at my night job.
“I have a new thing,” he tells me. “I like leaving obscure videos running on the monitors.”
What a fun idea, I think. I don’t want to be subversive but it’s a fun way to inject personality into a retail job.
He continues:
“I get next to girls and put on Usher videos from YouTube and they’re all like whaaa?”
I suggest: “Next time try Klaus Nomi.”
“Who’s that?”
“David Bowie’s dress designer from the 70s.”
“He wore dresses?”
Double facepalm
He wanders off. Ten minutes later he comes back.
“Dude…” is all he can say.
Hey readers and readettes. I’m just past the midway point on a grueling 2 weeks of a horrific work scheduling accident where I’m working 60hrs each week. Yeah. I’m tired. SharkBoy’s face has become a memory and I come home to a sleeping/sleepy husband. With the heat I’ve been sleepless and wake only feeling partially rested. I can’t wait for this to be over.
Last night saw me hauling a 275lbs computer into the Apple store at the Eaton Centre. It’s amazing the kinds of looks you get when you drag one of the Mac Pros through a crowd. All aluminum and grill venting. And sweat – those fuckers are heavy. People were staring like I was carrying a time machine or a machine that warps time or a big aluminum box that keeps time correct. Worry not, though, the problem was only a Kernel Panic Attack, which was deftly repaired within minutes at the Genius Bar. The taxi fare was 100% more expensive than the repair.
On top of that, work has greatly hindered my internet access (go figure – the internet guy can’t see the internet) due to the World Cup, so I can’t bring you the latest cutting edge of interwebs memes. This too shall pass.
I’d promise myself that I’d never apologize for blogging/not blogging but I fear that after these two weeks I may just do that. Meanwhile please enjoy the latest mission from Improv Everywhere: Star Wars Subway Car (via superpunch)
It was that time of year again, when SharkBoy got discounted tix to the City of Toronto’s BBQ at Canada’s Wonderland. This year we dragged JTree and Fortress of Solitude along with us.
For some reason, I was asked to digitize out FoS and only to refer to JTree as “Turdmorton Sheffield the Third” or something. I don’t get it.
Anyway. Pics here. All pretty self explanatory. I got super sick after the 15th ride. Go figure.
I hatched up a movie idea while talking to JTree the other day. As we wandered the cobbled paths at Canada’s Wonderland*, we watched two brave souls trying the Xtreme Skyflyer, their prone bodies being hauled up 150ft into the sky, just to be dropped like a pendulum back to earth.
I mused aloud: “I wonder if someone would get bored of that?”
JTree: “How so?”
“Like if they did these rides enough that the thrill is utterly drained from it.” After thinking about it for a second I said: “It would be a classic vintage Cronenberg movie if a couple discovered that the only way they could get the thrill back in their marriage and these rides, is if they went on these rides and fingered each other’s anus as they did.”
JTree looked at me like I was a typewriter bug with a puckering pooper under my wings.
*Expect pictures soon.
E3! Two days of game hype where companies roll out their bizarre new gadgets for their systems (A lenticular screen for your DS?) and parade game trailers out to a waiting world. For me it’s been like a crack junkie at a crack bakery that’s just brought out a tray of crack muffins. Cracky!
I was furiously hitting refresh on the Engadget site (Giz coverage seemed weak. I wonder why?) when Sony sanitarily brought out their new games and controller. While I can say that the Move, their new wand controller, doesn’t really “move” me (ah-nyuck nyuck!) I am excited about games that are in the pipe. Namely Portal 2:
Not surprising is the announcement of a two tiered paid subscription system on PlayStation Network (Xbox much?), which I will probably ignore only if downloadable content comes out for Fallout: New Vegas in a timely manner (ie: not to the Xbox exclusively for a couple years first).
And on a “Awww Crap!” note: not a word or teaser shot for Uncharted 3. Sony Sony Sony… sometimes your contempt for your fanboys is palatable.