Author Archives: Dead Robot

Tap Tap Revolution

Tech 1 Reply

I was trying to remember how to spell terrytory during Words With Friends when Instagram killed my vibe. It’s been like that since notifications came to the iPhone: rude, interrupting alerts murdering the flow of your mobile experience.

Now, Apple updates it’s iOS with over 200 new features, like “Notification Center”, a spot on your device that lets you see all the apps that desperately need your attention. Think of it as a nanny who keeps the kids at bay.

My other favorite update to the OS is “PC Free” – OTA updates, no plugging into a PC or iTunes anymore.

There are other features (over 200, Apple boasts), but with just those two, Apple moves closer into Blackberry’s terrytory.

iCloud, you Cloud

Tech 3 Replies

When I left my job at Apple retail I didn’t remind them about my staff MobileMe account. I kept it silent in hopes that I could still use the “Find My iPhone” service just in case something bad happened. I’ve been lucky they’ve not shut me down in the last year.

This week Apple revealed “iCloud”, a free service that allows you to stream/sync music, photos and files from device to device, effectively replacing MobileMe. If you were one of those poor schleps who purchased a MobileMe account recently, Apple is offering a refund (Via Gizmodo).

I’m still living in fear that someone in the back office of the Apple Store does some serious past-employee account wiping and cut me off before. But that’s me living dangerously.

Cat Sitter

You Magnificent Bastard 4 Replies

When we travel we entrust our two precious celebrity cats, Billy Dee Williams and George Hamilton, to the gentle care of postbear. You may have read one or two of his caustic comments on here. He’s a thing of beauty.

Postbear is a bit of a hoarder. Not in a horrific A&E kind of hoarder, no. He collects amazing oddities of broken toys, books and head scratchingly obscure CDs (best find: a salsa version of Kraftwerks greatest hits).

When we return on from our trips we usually take about a week to find all the things he’s left us in our absence. Here’s a few examples of the treasures we’ve come home to:

Trapped behind inpenetrable plastic!

I have no idea what it "does"

Rubber Inflatable Ring - it's ok! It's Been Tested!


The Alien plush is mine... the round painting of orange/red is not.

Both wise charcaters. Both without bodies.

New Loonies

Celebs and Media, You Magnificent Bastard 1 Reply

While in Orlando I discovered Cartoon Network. Okay I knew it was there but being Canadian we’re not allowed to have the full brunt of American culture thrust upon us, so some channels get held back so we can develop our own cartoons/shows (See Clone High)

Anyway, while dressing for Disney one morning I came across the NEW Looney Tunes and my god, it was like the shitty remixed, re-edited, cut apart, badly censored 80s were forgotten. Even the animation (while still retaining the excellent stylings of Chuck Jones) was above par for television.

Get a load of this writing/voice talent:

Are you hearing me, Teletoon?! Get this across the 49th Parallel now!