Author Archives: Dead Robot

Don’t Just Stand There

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Be A Trooper! Donate Now!


The donations are coming hot and heavy!

Again, I can’t believe how many of you have donated and I’d like to thank you all with interpretive dance sometime in the near future.

This is my last update before the walk… I have things to glue together, velcro to freshen up, a gun to repaint.

Hope to see you there!


I’m leaving this post up all week above the new stuff appearing below. We’re into the last week of fundraising for the ScotiaBank AIDS Walk of Toronto.

I hope that if you’re casually visiting Dead Robot Heavy Industries you will take a moment to visit my

Donations page

and drop a couple bucks my way (tax receipt issued immediately via email! Ain’t the internet grand?).

So Be A Trooper! Help us help those who need it!

Barbara Feels Like A Faggot

Celebs and Media 1 Reply

Appearing briefly across the internet is (was) an outtake from Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom where Harrison Ford is whipped by Barbra Streisand and Carrie Fischer, while Irvin Kershner offers scene notes. Ha!

All is funny except for the last line where Babs drops the gay f-bomb.

Harrison Ford: “Really hit me! Really hit me this time!”
Barbra Streisand: “O.K.”
Harrison Ford: “Don’t do it with such… really hit me!”
Barbra Streisand: “Y’know, I feel like a faggot!”

Elohim knows straight people don’t whip each other. I think this would have been funnier on the set of Amistad

Full Transcript here via CHUD

The Pig With The Froggy Tattoo

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When we saw the US “Dragon” trailer for the first time, SharkBoy and I looked at each other and confessed that we needed a bath. Watching it in the booming soundsystem of the theatre was like being assaulted physically and mentally while being forced to eat a can of cat food at gunpoint. And not the chunky gravy style kind, either.

Along come The Muppets and parody said trailer with clarity and perfection (in all honesty, I can’t wait for this movie).

Via Topless Robot.

Jasmine Tellofskyanous

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I think creative writing is dead.

A broad generalized thought, but in the last couple days, I’ve noticed that people aren’t trying as hard anymore to be thoughtful in putting names to things.

Case in point:

A dance studio opened up a few doors from where I work and masterfully named itself Dance Studio for Children. Come on! Call it Baby Crunks or Tutus for Two Twos or even Do the Robot Child! Something! You’d think a place that is all about creativity would take a moment and think about that.

New show called Combat Hospital which weirdly enough is all about driving around the country in a trailer that is shaped like a toaster and the eclectic looking host cooks weird things. NO! It’s a fucking drama about a combat hospital. ZZZ. Does anyone remember the first time you heard the name M*A*S*H*?

When I see this kind of thing I go a little loopy. It’s as if the person who is pitching their idea to the venture capitalist had a super idea, booked the meeting with the VC but put off actually finishing the pitch – right down to naming their “thing” and thought Hell I’ll just improvise on the day of the meeting!

It’s a tv show set in space. An extremely diverse crew made up of conflicting alien cultures and sexes all come together as a team to explore and discover brave new worlds for the good of humanity. I call it Pee Pee Time Hole Face.

And I Thought They Smelled Bad On The Outside

You Magnificent Bastard 1 Reply

Adidas continually fuels my current mid-life crisis obsession, creating a plethora of fuck-with-the-brand (and not in a Blu Ray kind of way) Star Wars clothing line. The Hip Hop Nerd shares this obsession too, but he’s much more resourceful than I (and rich) Ta da!! A trooper helmet made entirely of the Star Wars X Adidas Originals Superskate Mid ‘Stormtrooper’ shoes. Also, check out where fun things are being made. Does Lucas know? Do we care?

Via BoingBoing

Day… um… forgot… San Francisco and Home

Queer stuff, Travel Leave a reply

Coit in the distanceWhen we got to San Francisco we discovered that a lot of streets are one ways, no turns and scarily steep. Actually this should came as no surprise because, well, we’re seasoned car rentalists when it comes to vacations and both of us have been to SF before. But not in a driver’s capacity.

Needless to say the first 30 min in SFO was spent swearing at the street known as “Geary”, which would not allow us to turn left to arrive at our hotel. We spent a few minutes with map in hand and watching end-of-day rush hour whizz by our Jeep. We did eventually find a way to the hotel, but the rest of our stay, I would punctuate our map references with “We have to cross over fucking Geary…”

Here are the talking points on our trip:

Big treesWe spend a few glorious hours at Muir Woods. I could have made a whole day there it was so beautiful. I asked a ranger where they filmed “Vertigo” and she responded that there was a place called “film ridge” where “some movies were shot there”. Mere metres away from where she was stationed, I swear to god we found the “Here’s where I was born…” scene with Marnie in front of the bisected tree stump was shot – at least I was convinced. Also, it’s rumoured that parts of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Endor scenes were filmed there, but I’ve found no concrete evidence on the internet. Still, it was pretty frikkin amazing.

Even though the weather was chilly, which we welcomed after a summer of blistering heat, both SharkBoy and I decided we could live in SFO without hesitation. Every street, every neighbourhood, every nook and cranny was something to behold. Even the uber-scary Tenderlion had some impressive views of architecture, street culture and crazy pooping crack people.

Lombard StWe got a message on Instagram from BigRedDee saying how much he wanted to meet us. When we arrived in front of the bar we arranged to snag a drink at, we were surprised to meet up with Xianjessen and on another night, Ron (of both Flickr and Instagram fame, and boyfriend to Bark). Both were super nice, friendly and we had a great time chatting. I hope we can meet up again soon, they made our visit to Castro so much fun!

There was one “asshole moment” where our hosts, SharkBoy and I were wedged up against a wall in a packed bar just off the Castro. Due to time constraints, I had brought my big DSLR camera with me into the bar, unable to get back to the hotel to change after the day of wandering. As the place filled up, and the drinks flowed, I managed to be right beside an attractive guy who unfortunately kept on bumping into my long lens. My fault, really. Aside from the poking puns I could make, I felt kind of bad we kept on knocking each other and made efforts to try to avoid him. Finally he turned to me after the 4th bump and I smiled, shouting an apology for my camera over the bar’s music and noise. His glazed eyes took notice of the Disney pins stuck to my camera strap. “Oh look. Disney pins. So interesting! All you’re missing is the furry strap for your camera!” he slurred.

“Be nice! I *am* a tourist!” I said with a smile and an edge to my voice.

“I use to be a cast member, an actual character. Suit and all,” he said, with such inference that “cast Member” equaled “SS Stormtrooper just doing his job”. His eye never left my pins.

“Oh? Who did you play?”

Rafiki,” he said with a weird mix of pride and shame.

“Ah.” I said. In my head I said ‘Rafiki? So boring.” To which I think he sensed my unimpressed internal monologue and we literally turned away from each other simultaneously.

Flickr Meet UpContinuing on… The Disney Family Museum with Bearexposed and his hubby was amazing (yet incredibly sad!) – probably one of the best museums I have ever visited. It was more of a visual biography than museum. Go with adults. Seriously this ain’t a Disney ride.

We walked the hell out of San Francisco, which as you know, is nothing but hills and ankle breaking sidewalks. I. Loved. It. If I lived there I’d have an amazing ass.

I speculated that at one point, some long forgotten mayor had won his position by promising every resident of SFO a bay window in every home. Seriously.

We have no immediate plans to go back, but rest assured we won’t wait another 20 years before we return!

More pics here

A Fan’s Hope

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BobaDoug and Mr Spurlock


Looky who BobaDoug was hobknobbing with this weekend! Morgan Spurlock! He also got to hang around with various other 501st for the TIFF premier of Spurlock’s newest docco: ComicCon: Episode IV, A Fan’s Hope.

Despite my husband’s dislike of TIFF (a feeling I have too since it’s become utterly Hollywood’s bitch), I can’t help seethe with a bit of jealousy. But it’s probably a good thing I didn’t go. I mean, imagine my embarrassment if I went to the premier in full Sandtrooper drag and saw this guy there. I bet Joan River’s Fashion Police would have had excellent ratings due to us as  we fought to the death on the red carpet. (Kidding! His suit is pretty full on awesome.)

BobaDoug says the movie was pretty cool. I can’t wait to see it!