Author Archives: Dead Robot

Utter the Truth

Distractions 2 Replies

I stand dramatically in the doorway and turn to SharkBoy. My eyes languidly landing on his equally couch-prone body.

“Do you… love me?” I ask breathlessly.

“Where is this coming from?” He answers (I notice) with a question.

“Well. Say I were to shit on something you own…”


Personal Bits, Tech, You Stupid Dick 4 Replies

Want to see something cool?


It’s my URL, right? To anyone, these look like two nested subdomains belonging to me, purely because the “dotcom” is in it’s proper place and all that.

Okay go ahead and click it – no worries, I’ll wait.

Ta Da! That site is Not Mine. In fact I have no clue why this site comes up. That page is a perfect copy of this page. I suspect it’s in place for some nefarious reason that I really don’t want any part of.

How did I discover this? I got an email from a chap in Australia saying that this page

is phishing for sign ins on his site,

Of course I’m mortified. I’ve checked all my logs and stats and quite frankly I’m baffled. I have no clue how they’re redirecting to their subdomains while using my domain name.

While trying different combinations of subdomains, I ran across that example above. Someone has my “brand” and is fucking with it. I’m not happy.

I’ve passed this on to my host provider but for the first time in my career as a web guy, I feel old. I feel like I’ve been bettered. That dreaded feeling that technology is passing even ME by.

The Perfect Apatow Moment

You Stupid Dick 1 Reply

After my workout, I arrive to my locker to find a 75 year old guy closing the locker right next to mine.

“Nevah fayls! Emptah room and we’re the only two guys heyah.” His voice is a trifecta of decades of liquor and smoking, Italian and possible mild stroke.

“Ain’t it always the way,” I vapidly offer.

“When Iwazza coming heyah back garbleaglrerlajz churfff crarkle…” He’s speaking fast and since his voice is like sandpaper over rocks I can only catch every other word. “It waz alwaahzy with da hurrf and the veins.”

He’s closed his locker and is lacing up his shoes. He doesn’t stop. He’s a pleasantly enough guy and I let him go, but he’s the kind of talker who won’t let you interject anything, not a “oh dear!” even…

“Its awayz the doctorsss. They’ll find a way to glerble your gluff–”

“Yeah I–”

“–I mean they really know florfzzgch, right? Right?”


“–flarbledy blood test with this Asian flarp–”

And on he went. I start to undress for my shower because if I didn’t do anything I’d still be standing there. I’ve long since try to interject, or  comment since his verbal floodgate is wide open.

“And the needle was thiz big! This big! Big! and he jabbed it into my flarglezzguh and I was oh! Then that nurze I had my eye on hubba flargle–”

BRAAAAAAA. Someone across the locker room started to use the bathing suit dryer. As difficult as it was to understand before, all hope was lost now.

BRAAAAA we had four AAAAAAA with the garh flappy pain AAAAAAA I’m verlty deuce! AAAAA Two of em shuved up in AAAAA until I stahted screamin’ aaaaaa (the machine spins down)…

By this time I’m super naked. Just a towel. But not a smartly wrapped towel, no. I thought I could find a moment where he’d stop talking and offer a “Well! Have a great day!” and exit to the showers so I didn’t bother to wrap it around me. I never wrap a towel around me to get to the showers – I like making the repressed religious freaks uncomfortable. Plus I was hoping that he’d notice I’m super naked and realize I’m on my way and he’d shut himself up to let me go. I’m backing away and he’s not noticing.

“It’s a vaylve in dere, ya know? And they’re sticking needles in mah leg and I’m all fuggedoarljk!”

So for about a solid minute (3 hours when you’re super naked) I’m standing with my saggy ass to the room, covering/not covering my “acorn sitting on a peach” (it’s cold, ok?) looking for an out.

“That’s when he says, ‘You need a bypass!'”

“That’s awful! Butthatslifetoobadyouhavea GREAT DAY!” I say and turn.

I’m a horrible person.


Distractions 1 Reply

I went to the doctor n’guess what he told me?
Guess what he told me!
He said
“Banana taco face poopy
dog breath apple boobilypoot!”
But he’s a fool
`Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares to you

Hmm… it was funnier on the way to work this morning…


Personal Bits 2 Replies

I wake up this morning with the first thought in my head being: “I need to call Dad and see how…”

Then sleep leaves me fully and I remember. I lay there in bed for a few minutes fighting back the monster of depression and breathe slowly. Gone.

Rationally I try to figure out why this just happened. And in a sense, it goes hand in hand why I haven’t blogged much over the last couple months. I haven’t written not because I don’t have anything to say, but I have definitely lost my voice.

Last month, my mother moved to town. Regular readers of this blog will suddenly realize I’ve written very little about my mother while new readers will look sideways at the regular readers for some kind of reaction. Sort of like a newbie follower sitting with a hard core fan, sitting down to watch Dexter mid-season.

My Mom. We’re different. Always have been. At an early age I knew that she was an enigma in my life. Some strange woman who would issue discipline and ultimatums in the absence of my father (which was pretty much Monday to Friday) who, while I was learning and loving crayons, paper and art, she was learning and manipulating numbers, going on to become a very accomplished accountant. When my father came out of the closet, we bonded beyond father/son into pupil and mentor. You can guess why my relationship with my mother was not ever close, especially when my father and subsequently myself, revealed our sexual preferences.

In fact, Mon and I didn’t speak for about 4 years, 20 years ago, for a reason I won’t drag out into the open. To this day we haven’t spoken about the silence that occurred between us. I doubt that we will. But somewhere along the way we silently made up and continued our long distance relationship as mother/son in situ.

A year before Da died, Mom made noises about moving to Toronto to be near family again. Near the kids and the shops and the theatres. The big joke there was that she’d live in the same building as Da and they’d be neighbours and ain’t life weird, like some Fox sitcom? Then Dad passed and within a decent amount of time, Mom made the move to Toronto, not to the same building but to a condo one down the block and shockingly similar to the building she just left, the only difference being a slightly smaller apartment and a new front desk concierge.

Now she’s in town, she’s 99% unpacked and at 78 years old, obviously needs help unpacking, setting up and getting things back to the way she likes it. This weekend I have to move a 175 pound sculpture into the hall where she had it before in Brockvegas. Next week will probably be assembling armoires and such.

You can see what is happening here (see title: blog post). With little time between caring for parents I’ve fallen back into the rut of explaining how the internet works, how computers work, how TVs work. “Rut” is such a harsh word. I don’t mind doing this, in fact (without trying to sound maudlin or “mea culpa” at all) I sort of think this is my ultimate reason for being here.

However, the other day she showed me a purchase she made in a boutique in Yorkville with the comment “I’m spending your inheritance” which was Da’s catch-phrase when he justified his trips to South America. I know that somewhere in me, I don’t think I’ve processed Dad’s passing fully. Nor do I think any amount of time will fix that.

Pogo Nogo

Celebs and Media, You Magnificent Bastard Leave a reply

Seems like my fave video DJ, Pogo, has been banned from the US because of …his agent? Details are scant but his blog alludes to being arrested and left high and dry because the people who arranged his tour didn’t actually fill out all the necessary paperwork?

In the meantime, he’s released a couple new videos, and naturally, knocks it out of the park again. See “Davyd” below, mixed from the curious and polarizing movie “A.I.”

Bonne Anniversaire

Personal Bits, Queer stuff, You Magnificent Bastard 6 Replies

5 years ago we nervously stood in front of a room full of people and declared our love for each other. If I could do it all over again I wouldn’t change a thing (well, maybe put my Audio Brother in charge of music… Would have liked the drag queen to perform instead of being monopolized by my mom).

The last couple years have been a real roller coaster, to say the least. I don’t know how I would have gotten through most of it without you.

On the upside, we’ve had some amazeballs adventures and I can’t wait for many, many more!

Let’s hit that steakhouse and crack open some wine!

I love you!





