Brilliant Caramilk Ad

Celebs and Media, Toronto

At Yonge and College subway (south east exit) there’s a brilliant interactive ad for Caramilk chocolate bars. The poster has 6 headphone jacks to hear different explanations of how the caramilk is put into the bars (a long standing ad campaing here in Canada that teases the public with the “secret” as to how it’s done). You can see in the bad iPhone pic that I’ve jacked into the “Scientists explanation” cleverly located right over his mouth. Upon jacking in, an audio file plays (a bit too loudly and slightly fast – adding to the giggle factor) of different cultural explanations/theories.

The Cockney explanation was by far the funniest with lots of rhyming and slang. The Zulu tribesman was a tad bit “racial worrisome” (was that really Zulu he was speaking?). The Whale song was relaxing…

I admit that I did feel a bit of a dork standing there plugging my earbuds into each outlet. Especially in a busy subway tunnel with people passing, gawking, but it was funny and because I stopped and interacted with the ad, it won me over. Still, this ad is better suited for bus shelters.

Update: Gizmodo reports of an interactive ad that borders on black humour: Domestic abuse poster changes when you’re NOT looking

2 thoughts on “Brilliant Caramilk Ad

  1. Phronk

    That’s very cool! People barely pay attention to ads any more, but this’ll do it…even if they don’t put their own headphones in, seeing you doing it is attention-grabbing.

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