Walk It Off, Picard

Celebs and Media, Robots, Tech

For all you geek whiners out there who complained that the holodeck on Star Trek: The Next Generation could never work because if they walked a mile in simulated reality, they’d bump into a wall after three feet, I give you the plucky Japanese robotic answer to this conundrum:

Via Gizmodo

2 thoughts on “Walk It Off, Picard

  1. StevieB

    Finally I can overcome my holodeck fears and finally relax and enjoy my walk down fictitious future Castro Street. Thanks again Deadrobot man!

  2. Sean

    People who make such complaints about the holodeck need to read the technical manuals on the Enterprise-D…

    …which is surprising since someone who cares that much about the holodeck is surely the type to have time to read about how it “worked” in a fictitious technical manual – like me.


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