Acid Reflux cancels his trip out west due to his ailing bones. I feel for him! My feet have been feeling like they’re arthritic or something and my Doc tells me nothing! NOTHING!
Blam takes us back to After School. He had a couple others before this post but this one made me laugh!
cultural sn:afu has a fabu new banner and is paranoid about server errors. Also he’s playing a game that I am sure they’re developing into a movie.
Cute With Chris LIVE is coming to Toronto and I didn’t pay attention enough to get tickets. I plan to do my best Taxi Driver impersonation outside the stage doors.
David finds a clip. Funny! But my fave is still the groundhog
The Electronic Replicant attracts Geeks! I took the same test and apparently I attract Yuppies. Damn iPhone.
The Fortress of Solitude offers up his usual Friday Feast fare. Cousins, freedom and green.
Hairy Fish Nuts tells us that gay rights is coming… from Castro! (okay not Castro, but Cuba. The joke wouldn’t have worked otherwise)
Hipnoray dives into the how and why of the Ultimate Spiderman – a big book of the how and why of Spiderman. MJ calling Peter “tiger” worked in the comic, but it seemed forced to me when they did it in the movies…
Non Update Alert! I Always Win bemoans Windows Media Player 11. I still like my comment.
If You Could Read My Mind misses Roy Orbison. New blog layout, less cluttered. However, that didn’t change my mind about Roy. I still like Buddy Holly better.
Jerk Spot realizes something we knew all along: People don’t care if you’re stealing a bike. Help yourself! Our bent out of shape fire escape is testament to that.
Willie Nelson’s daughter is Youtubed on Butchie’s blog. Yes. YES SHE WILL!!!
Non-Update Alert! Normlr needs to stop making money and make more art videos.
Photojunkie is at 13 of 52 weeks of personality portraits. this week: Michele Perras, Producer.
Phronk gives us #42 in his series “One Hundred Original Ideas for Horror Movies”. Nice premise!
A case of room to room miscommunication at Ripping Stitches.
Robocub posts about Kiddie Male Enhancement (which made my heart leap out of my chest – because I’m doing this from work). Somewhat safe. Many images of bulgy gitch.
Soundrel wonders where he is! He’s online, silly!
Sharkboy tells us about his first run in with mommy-funbags. I had a similar experience at The Barn, pre-murder stain.
StudioYVR needs your sponsorship. This man is a powerhouse. I feel like eating cookies and chips every time I see his triathlon numbers go up.
TurnipStyle bemoans Windows and Windows related products (here ends my vague Mac-taunting now. One of our Mac Pros at work just died with files on it too. I feel his pain).
How does one photograph a beautiful woman? The way she wants you to! And for Lex, that’s with the horizon line somewhere between nostrils and irises.
9 thoughts on “Blog Roll Ups (Friday Bored at Work Edition)”
Hey this blog roll up thing is pretty cool. You should get bored at work more often.
Nearly impossible if, like me, you have the attention span of a gnat.
Blogging is hard.
It’s nice to know someone can feel my pain. I’d say if you can afford it, go to my podiatrist at lest for a consult to see if your doc is correct. It’s about 35 dollars or something like that. I can pass it on if you would like.
My bride is really pretty astute. She was having an off day. It may have been the 47 goblets of wine, an hour or two of Buffy, and all that borrowed prescription medicine from my parent’s washroom.
She could probably point pretty close to Syria… If the map was small.
Thanks for the support! I appreciate it…
Dude, thanks for the wakeup call… I’m trying to get Cultural Sn:afu back to being a regular thing but responsibilities keep getting in the way. They’re filming Max Payne now, I’m a little uncomfortable with Marky Mark being Max… but if it comes out looking like Sin City I don’t care who the lead is. The server thing was a combination of WordPress tomfoolery and Bell Canada being Bell Canada. It got sorted out though… but it was aggravating like crazy.
I may totally steal this idea by the way… I really like this as a way to get your blogroll involved together. I’ve also enjoyed your blog headers as well… thanks Dude.
What the foosh!? Which blog are you?
Where the hell is my mention?