Ow Ow Ow Motherfooshing Ow!


Ow Ow Ow Motherfooshing Ow!, originally uploaded by deadrobot.

Pain on a Friday night. Two hours and fourty five minutes in the chair this time. Endorphins long gone

4 thoughts on “Ow Ow Ow Motherfooshing Ow!

  1. Dead Robot

    Forcefield, congratulations on being the only person EVER to know what that tattoo was. Someone dear to us calls it “The Rake With Tits, Running”

    This evening, it looks orange. The yellow is mixing too much with the bruising and blood. Soon it will look blended.

  2. force field frequency 18

    WOW! what is it of?
    and nice tank girl tattoo! P-P-POW!
    the chair is one of my favourite places.
    i’m getting mine on the 8th!
    can’t wait to see the finished/non-red-and-glistening product!

  3. Lew

    Aren’t those the same lamps they used to keep hamburgers hot with at the old Burger Chef chain?

    Hey. Two hamburger references in a week! Who’s hungry?

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