Apparently I’m dirty and need to be hidden from children.
Unsweetened tagged me to reveal what kind of blog I am. Easy:
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
* dead (21x)
* ass (3x)
* dangerous (2x)
* bitches (1x)
I only said “Bitches” once?!
I now tag Sharkboy, Photojunkie and HairyFishNuts.
8 thoughts on “En Cee seven teen”
I knew you’d love this one. After all these comments I’m wondering if your rating will have changed to XXX??
“Dead Ass Dangerous Bitches”… I like the sound of that.
Well, I’m rated R… but I’m sure it’s because I’ve been blogging for a couple of months only. I aspire to that NC-17.. another few weeks maybe?
Fuck 5x
Ass 2x
Turd 1x
hehe bitches, I used “turd”…
jagoff… it didn’t even find jagoff. How could it not find jagoff when jagoff was right there? Jagoff. I think the whole fucking rating system should be modified to include a “Joe Pesci” Level.
I think it doesn’t go really fucking deep into your fucking MySQL database for fucking diryt words. I fucking shudder to think what rating I’d achieve if it did, asshole.
I don’t know… I’ve got over 90 posts and I’m pretty sure I remember using “fuck” at least once in every one of them, but this thing is saying there are only 10, with only one fucking and I KNOW there should be at least 80 of those fucking things. It did ask me if it could set me up with a date in Ottawa, so it got that part right.
murder (11x)
fuck (10x)
suck (6x)
gun (4x)
screwing (3x)
fucking (2x)
porn (1x)
…c’mon, that could be a Pixar movie.
It’s because you used all those words in one sentence, “I’m DANGEROUS and you BITCHES with a big ASS are DEAD.”
Certain unenlightened people might be threatened by that.
you are dirty and need to be hidden from children.