He’s a Gun

Celebs and Media

Michael Bay has released hi-rez images of the Transformers.

While they’re uber-cool I have difficulty visually referencing what the robots have transformed from. Old Optimus Prime had his windscreen on his chest. New Optimus has… um… a fender. Just there.

Sharkboy says

the edit will be so headachingly quick that you won’t have time to see details on the robots, so enjoy the stills right now…


5 thoughts on “He’s a Gun

  1. Phronk

    The cool thing about Transformers used to be that you could buy a toy that ACTUALLY transformed from a truck to a robot. I can’t see these being toys that can transform without a lot of effort and cuts on your hands.

    Still, they do look cool.

  2. Dead Robot

    Imagine explaining to someone in the afterlife how you left the world:

    “I was shredded to nighting by a robot called ‘Bumblebee'”


  3. daryl

    perhaps all we really need to know is that any of those robots could shred any of us to nighting in a millisecond.

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