The Android


This is how the movie A.I. and I, Robot should have been like, script-wise. Without the silly product placement at the end, of course.

2 thoughts on “The Android

  1. Dead Robot

    You can just replace it!

    I love the duality of this commercial. you’re right about the “greener grass”. In a sense, the commercial is making you crave emotion while deadening your ability to express them clearly.

    I know I feel the most alive when I’m bent over the toilet yarking out all the previous day’s food and alcohol.

  2. hockeyfan960

    It protrays a belief that the grass is always greener….You have no sickness or threat of death, but yet, you want more….to feel…How does that relate to drinking Johnnie Walker Red until you are blind drunk and destroying your liver…???

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