Bonjour from St Jean Sur Richelieu

Personal Bits

I`m in the lobby of the Comfort Inn somewhere south of Montreal on a friggin French keyboard that keeps on making ««« things.

Have a great weekend peeps!

7 thoughts on “Bonjour from St Jean Sur Richelieu

  1. FurryWolf

    Peeps in this case refers to “My People”. Rap artists created the slang my peeps or peeps.

    Peeps are also those sugary-marshmallowy candies that are fun to put in the microwave and watch them puff up…
    MONSTER peeps…

  2. Brian

    Try going into keyboard layout. I have mine on Canadian French all the time, so it really fucks up any of my friends using my computer.

  3. Anna Synenko

    yes, now I’m drunk again…no really drunk…

    (I was writing a whole drun ken blog diatribe and thought, hmm, no I will save myself the morning embarassment…I feel so so so
    ADULT…one more chocolate and I’m off to bed…As a friend said “Jesus is coming—Look busy!”)

    Ta da.
    DB: yous de boss…………

  4. Anna Synenko

    I could never live in Montreal.

    I would just become a wine guzzling, chain-smoking whore.


    (what’s a peep? It so Spring-y sounding…)

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