Take a look, bitches! It’s The Explorer, the ship that Sharkboy, The Busdriver, CharoletteMan, Wolfy and I are going on the first weekend of December! It’s bigger than the last ship we went on! I. Can’t. Friggin. Wait.
You’re all welcome to come too. Just msg me and we’ll talk about cheap staterooms.
And it’s the First. You know what that means… NEW SLOPPYJOE VIDEOS!!!
When you’re done there, Acidreflex posted this video which is just bloody weird and hee lar ee yous!
24 thoughts on “It’s not a Boat…”
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touche! andrew.
and meant to say AS IN Queen Charlotte of Germany…fingers not as fast the mind at times…I will be one of those folks in the old folks home with a complete mind but a body that will not do what I want it to and will not be able to say what I want to say…almost 40 and its already starting!!
heh, someone else is trying to correct ted’s spelling. i feel less alone now, but i have to point out this observer is named ‘furrywofl’, which i assume is meant to be ‘furrywolf’, but could also be intended as a version of ‘furrywaffle’ (for those in the dropped breakfast fetish crowd).
have some more cats.
Love that cat site!
And I have a cousin and niece named Sharorette.
….at least spell it correctly…geez, and canadian education is supposed to be so superior to US education. Its CHARLOTTE, and in Queen Charlotte of Germany…lol(the statue greets you at the airport.
antidote to andrew
well, those 4/5 are NOT in Toronto… reason enough to go… hehe
Love the pic by the way… now I’ll probably stay on the ship at all time.
definitely tourist chum, anna.
no offense, sharkboy, but 4/5 of your list, which i’m sure you view as plusses, are reasons for me to avoid cruise ships.
Thanks DB, I rented it and Horse Feathers. I’m a total Marx Bros. Virgin and have no life so this, and a frozen Shepherd’s Pie, is the weekend….
December? Humph… We can’t go then.
And shouldn’t the tag line be “That’s No Ship…It’s A Space Station!”.
Looks like one, anyway…
ap- I am sure we’re not having kids. Cats maybe. Not kids. I think this time we’re going to announce our cloning.
Anna! The movie you’re thinking of is:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0022158/ (Monkey Business)
Groucho: Are you the floorwalker of this ship? I want to register a complaint.
Captain Corcoran: Why? What’s the matter?
Groucho: Matter enough. You know who sneaked into my stateroom at three o’clock this morning?
Captain Corcoran: Who did that?
Groucho: Nobody, and that’s my complaint.
I love you beaur guys…you don’t even know! My day is sprinkled with little bits of knowledge that just makes my life soooo funny.
Does anyone know which Marx Brothers movie takes place on the boat? I think I’m ready to actually try to sit through a Marx Brothers film. So adult!
Well, I’ve never been on a cruise before but I can’t wait. Just the tours alone are worth it. Unlike DR, I do want to be “KING OF THE WORLD!”, so I can look down upon all the little people, and wave benevolently from by state room balcony like Evita from the Casa Rosada.
Hummm I just went from Titanic to Evita in one sentance… Can you spell fag?
Andrew-luv, is that “tourist chum” or “tourist cum?” : )
my my… all of you shell out the $800 and come along to find out what it’s like… let’s see, that’s $114.29 a day, to find yourself every morning in a different country, on a floating city, looking out to the world from your private balcony, with 3500 other people, counting on 4 to 5 fantastic meals a day without a complaint from anyone should you ask for red salt instead of the white one because it matches your outfit better…
At the size of the ship (think of a building that’s 15 storeys high and 3 football fields long), you won’t even feel the motion, so you won’t get seasick… 3 farmers from Kansas or Wyoming will say they feel the motion and the need to put 300 patches up their neck to relief the symptoms and that will just for show as far as I’m concerned. That’s not counting the entertainment, the skating, the gym, the spa, the golf, the wall climbing, the rollerblading, the swimming, the snorkeling, the treks in the jungle, the deserted beaches, the turquoise water, the beautiful stars in the sky that you don’t get to see home, the peacefulness of knowing you’re not going to get woken up in the middle of the night by a gunshot…
Yeah, I wasn’t big on cruises either… until I tried it…
add me to the list of people who think cruise ships are vast, floating wastelands in need of being made into reefs.
the only amusement i can see onboard is the potential to make tourist chum, but even that has limited appeal.
I’m not big on the cruise ship thing either – but there’s booze, there’s food, there’s sun and water, so unless you’re REALLY spoiled there’s not a whole lot to complain about. Soooo… last trip there were rings… will there be babies on this one?
Okay, I get the lunchtime tryst…and being fed.
But don’t you get sea sick or feel closed in… I’m a claustophobic (and neurotic) so I just imagine taking pills to dash the urge to make them turn back to land and ruin everyone’s trip.
Isn’t there a Marx Brothers film that takes place on a ship?
If you sat in front of a computer all day pushing code like I do (or in Sharkboy’s place, fixing clerical errors) then the prospect of being fed, sitting by a pool, meeting strange people, being fed, swiming with stingrays, being fed, etc, is like dying and getting 1000 virgins to service your feet.
I welcome the nap by the pool on a boat in the ocean like some people welcome Xmas. Or a lunchtime tryst. Or a trip to Costco.
I don’t get the cruise boat thing…I really don’t. What is the attraction? I’d be bored in, like, five minutes.
I’ll call you whatever I damn well please! Now get back into your CharoletteBox.
HEHEHE…CharoletteMAN? Call me FurryWolf if ya will, call him Cubbybear…lol
Jack and Michael. Can we go next week instead of December, or again in December? WAHOOOOOO….so ready to go!
ok, you all need to read “a supposedly fun thing i’ll never do again” by david foster wallace before you go on this next cruise. it’s an essay in a book with the same title, i’ve recommended it before, now get to it! they have it at the library.