He’s Cute!



Squishy the rat died today
A horror I can’t stop replay
So to ease the pain in my mind
I just happen to have a great new find
She’s tall, she’s thin, she’s delicate
And no my friend, she’s not a rat
Squishy is dead, Squishy has died
Squishy the orchid lives, I have not lied

–Sharkboy, 2005

Squishy 2!

Long Live Squishy!!

8 thoughts on “He’s Cute!

  1. Pingback: Getting To Know Me – Challenge #56 – A Poem I Wrote | Sharkboy

  2. Bonky

    Orchids can be unpleasant particularly when they’re menstruating.

    Hey . . . you . . . if you happen to see that bear de la post, please tell him hello for me and stuff.
    Can you do that without hurting any other rodents? CAN YOU?!

  3. BusDriver

    BTW I walked over to Church St this pm and Squishy the Rat is still there. He has however, finished the cigarette.

  4. Anonymous

    The orchid is actually less bother than my Shamrock. 15 min in a bath once a week and indirect sunlight. The odd spritz (usually when I iron) and Squishy should be happy. O’Brien needs full on sun every day and water every other day.

    Giovanni, my rosemary plant, has some white “dust” on it. Fungal?

    Kenisha The African Violet, just had all her flowers die.

  5. Anonymous

    I think Squishy was smoking when he was hit, so SMOKING IS BAD! I didnt CSI the scene, those could be bone chunks.

    This is my offical “first Toronto Rat” I have ever seen (thankfully dead). The orchid (also named Squishy) is an early b-day present from Sharkboy.

  6. hockeyfan960

    Is Squishy the Rat smoking a cigarette or did someone just put out the butt on poor Squishy’s head after the fact…???

    Are those bone chucks lying next to him..???

  7. Jessie

    I miss you big guy

    I am unable to find the location of your email.. *sniff*

    help me ,

    i am sorry I keep yelling at you on the street.. your just so lovely to yelp at.

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