Fighting an Amazon, Part 3: Moniker


Havent had many Shop-it-Amazon links lately in the Referers, thankfully. I think they got the hint.

But now a new threat is showing up. Moniker-com is a site promoting wholesale domain listing that seems to allow link farming. Or at least they seem to have no control over the link farming that their clients seem to be doing like out of control children on Xmas day. Yet Moniker provides mass domain name registration for their clients and assist (for a price) with site promotion. (sarcasm) I wonder how they do it?(/sarcasm)

This whole thing makes me think that they’re buying up Euro-domains so that it looks like the “culprits” are outside the CAN SPAM reach of prosecution. The domain shut down page ( – cut n paste kids, its banned on this blog now) is as poorly written as Kevin Smith’s last movie and doesn’t sound like someone from Pompano Beach, Florida wrote it. (dont fill out the form on that page, I think I smell email trap)

Then again, maybe Pompano Beach, Floridians actually talk like that.

Regardless, its getting annoying. Soon I will be sending an email. You betcha!